I am really getting fed up now!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hypo, hypo hypo! That's all I ever seem to be these days then I'll have one random good BG in the middle of the day!

I was 8.9mmol when I went to bed last night. I had a hypo in the night (couldn't find my monitor to see what it was though I had most symptoms) and when I woke up, I was at 3.7mmol!

This has been happening every day for a while now! I am well and truly getting sick of it. I've also had no appetite and have managed TWO full meals in one week. Just two. Alot of food makes me feel nauseas these days.

As you might know, I am on 30u Levemir at 8am, 28u at 8pm and I carb count to match my insulin needs during the day.

I really just want to wake up with a good level. Is that so much to ask!? :(
laura thats pants!!!.... have they mentioned bout reducing your levimr at all?... or wht about the pump.. if you having so many hypos surely you have a good case for one.. hope you are ok x
Have you tried doing a basal test overnight? If you're waking up low each morning it could indicate that you're having too much basal. Can you ring your team to discuss options with them?
Really does sound like too much basal Laura. Bend their ears until they give you a solution!
I know the basics of a Basal Test but can anyone give me an in-depth guide please?
I know the basics of a Basal Test but can anyone give me an in-depth guide please?

This is a good guide:


Basically you wait 5/6 hours after last eating and bolusing (by that time the food and the bolus insulin should be out of your system, leaving just the basal) and then check your BG levels hourly (some people chose to do half hourly too).

It's pretty easy to do overnight - aside from waking up every hour! - if you eat at 6pm, the test can begin at 11pm.

It's more of a pain if you want to do it during the day - I plan to basal test this evening from 6pm onwards as I'm trying to work out if I've got issues with my basal or my tea time bolus. So I ate at 1 and won't eat again until either midnight or tomorrow morning (depends how hungry I get!)
Wow thats far to many hypo's I am on 50 ml Levemir at night which I take about an hour before bed.. I check my bs b4 bed and its been really low like 5.0 My nurse has said that if its that low b4 bed I should have something to eat. she says that she will be happy if it was round about 8.8...

Last night it was 13.3 b4 bed and 9.2 when I got up this morning, but I have need feeling really rough all day.. Good luck and I hope you dont keep getting these hypo's

This is a good guide:


Basically you wait 5/6 hours after last eating and bolusing (by that time the food and the bolus insulin should be out of your system, leaving just the basal) and then check your BG levels hourly (some people chose to do half hourly too).

It's pretty easy to do overnight - aside from waking up every hour! - if you eat at 6pm, the test can begin at 11pm.

It's more of a pain if you want to do it during the day - I plan to basal test this evening from 6pm onwards as I'm trying to work out if I've got issues with my basal or my tea time bolus. So I ate at 1 and won't eat again until either midnight or tomorrow morning (depends how hungry I get!)

Wow- sounds awkward as sometimes I don't have dinner till gone 8/9pm which will be the case tonight as I am working from 7-8!! And that accounts for every night this week except Sunday and I take my evening Levemir at 8!
Wow- sounds awkward as sometimes I don't have dinner till gone 8/9pm which will be the case tonight as I am working from 7-8!! And that accounts for every night this week except Sunday and I take my evening Levemir at 8!

Taking your levemir is fine, it's just the bolus insulin you don't want in your system.

The theory is you should do all the things you normally do whilst you're basal testing. So you could eat before work (say at 6?) and start the test later on.
OK- now I'm confused :(

I thought Levemir was the Basal insulin which I am "testing"??
OK- now I'm confused :(

I thought Levemir was the Basal insulin which I am "testing"??

Yes, you are - you are seeing what it does to you when you have no other insulin or carbs in your system. In theory, it should hold you steady. You are testing to see if it makes you go up or down. Which is why you can't have anything else going on (eg bolus or carbs) that could affect your levels.

So after you've got the bolus and carbs out - which takes 4 or 5 hours - you then test hourly for basically as long as you want, the link I gave you says for 4 - 12 hours. This way you can see what your basal is doing.
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