I am on my way ...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
:D I am on my way to getting my pump, I have an appointment towards the end of October to go to the pump clinic and I understand I will come home with my pump with saline in it, the following week I put insulin in it and then 10 days later I return to the clinic to have a check up. Wow it has been a long wait but well worth it. I am going for the MM 640g and just hope I will be able to afford the cost of the sensors because I am totally unaware of hypos and have been for a good number of years, in the last couple of weeks I have had BG readings of 1.2 and 1.9 so you will understand my concern.

jusme 🙂
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Good news. I am on my 2nd week and nowhere near well controlled but better than it was and will improve I am sure of that.
Good luck pump newbies. 🙂
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