I am off insulin i believe

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
befor starting the 800 a day diet I had already lost 24lbs in one month just watching what i was eating, so I started the diet at 212 lbs
im now at 193 and having to take no repeat no insulin. It seems my sugar goes up right after I eat say around 152- 160 then goes back down to the 105 or 110. I am guessing that my organs are producing insulin now as there is no other way I can figure the sugar drop.'I am going to have a study or test if there is one to see if my insulin producing organs are now fat free.
Congratulations on your weight loss @frustrated - and great to hear you’ve been able to reduce your insulin doses to zero!

For UK readers, those results are:
152-160mg/dl = 8.4-8.8mmol/L
105-110mg/dl = 5.8-6.1mmol/L

Which look cracking (great) !
befor starting the 800 a day diet I had already lost 24lbs in one month just watching what i was eating, so I started the diet at 212 lbs
im now at 193 and having to take no repeat no insulin. It seems my sugar goes up right after I eat say around 152- 160 then goes back down to the 105 or 110. I am guessing that my organs are producing insulin now as there is no other way I can figure the sugar drop.'I am going to have a study or test if there is one to see if my insulin producing organs are now fat free.
It could be that you are now responding to the insulin produced.
Did you need to take quite a bit of insulin to deal with the carbs you ate? If that was the case then your cells might have been resistant to insulin rather than you not making it, but that is correcting now that your diet has altered.
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