I am obese!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As some of you will know I am at weightwatchers. I lost 3lbs this week taking my total weight loss to 67.5lbs and I am now only obese :D. My bmi has gone down from 52 to 39. I still have a long way to go but feel really good about reaching this milestone!
Excellent result!

I bet you're feeling a million of any suitable currency! 🙂

Hi Carol, just wanted to say well done! You are well justified in feeling good about yourself its brilliant. 🙂 good luck, and take care, lv shirl x
Caz, you are doing so amazingly well and you're a true inspiration to others! Well done! :D
Well done Caz! Bet you feel better too.
well done, this is indeed a milestone, and you should be feeling very good

keep it up, and congrats again

Well done you!!

Keep up the brilliant work 🙂
Well done, you have worked very hard and have made a great achievement.
Well done you! A great achievement and I'm sure you will reach your goal. I only wish I could get motivated to loose weight. I seem to be managing my diabetes ok and keeping my HbA1c to 6.1. But my weight I am finding so difficult to shift. I am such a failure.
Well done you! A great achievement and I'm sure you will reach your goal. I only wish I could get motivated to loose weight. I seem to be managing my diabetes ok and keeping my HbA1c to 6.1. But my weight I am finding so difficult to shift. I am such a failure.

You are not a failure! you are just a person struggling with difficult circumstances, not everyone can be as self disciplined as Cazscot (well done), I wish I had that same self discipline too! I seem to have hit a wall I cannot get past, I also feel like a failure but realise that I will get there, it will just take me a little longer than I had wanted that's all. So chin up ivygirl and well done again Cazscot.
Well done you 😉 brilliant reduction in your bmi. xx
Blimey Cazcot! Great stuff🙂

You are an inspiration, well done you xxxx
Well done Carol, great achievement and inspiration to me as I'm now (re)starting my weight loss journey.
well done, a fantastic achievement x
How fantastic are you?!! :D I know how hard it is to lose weight so well done you have done brilliantly and your hard work has paid off :D
you go girl!!!
Buy yourself something nice as a reward 🙂
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