I am a newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic,and worry about what I can and can't eat,any advice please

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am a newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic, and worry about the food,I can and cannot eat,any advice please.
For me I cut carbohydrates down to a minimum.
Loaded up on foods high in protein and fat .
Meat, fish, cheese, dairy, a few berries veg that grow above ground/salad items are usually fine.

I lost weight, rectified various conditions like sleep apnea, acid reflux, peeing every 5 minutes, hypertension and put T2 into remission in about 3 months. All without any medication.

I look upon carbohydrates as poison to me.
I am a newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic, and worry about the food,I can and cannot eat,any advice please.

It would help to give appropriate suggestions if you could share a bit more about yourself - whether you had symptoms or your diabetes was picked up through routine tests, how high your HbA1c was (48 or above if you have been diagnosed with diabetes but for some it's in 3 figures at diagnosis), whether you have lost weight recently and whether you need to lose weight or need to not lose weight, and very importantly what if any medication you have been started on
It is rather extreme to say cut all carbohydrates especially very quickly as that can give some people issues with their eyes and nerves but certainly reducing carbohydrates is something you need to look at but that does not mean NO carbs. It is suggested that a maximum of 130g total carbs not just 'sugar' is usually needed but it can depend on what your HbA1C is and if you are on any medication.
Have a look at this link for some helpful suggestions as to what you can and what it is better not to eat. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
I am a newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic, and worry about the food,I can and cannot eat,any advice please.

Are you on any meds for the diabetes @.mill A good starting place is to look at what you’re eating now (write down an average day’s food) and see where you can make changes. There’s no need to cut out all carbs and they certainly aren’t ‘poison’.
Carbs aren't poisonous.
Some do just say "eat fat and protein" but that is a lifestyle choice that's incredibly limiting.

I looked as myself overall, and decided I'd rather try to reverse my diabetes as a lifestyle choice, than work around it.
As has been said, my one can really give you any useful advice without a bit more info.
Carbs aren't poisonous.
For me they are so I avoid eating them as much as possible.

There are zero "essential" carbohydrates so why bother.
try to reverse my diabetes as a lifestyle choice
Which is precisely what I did. No meds just dropped as many carbs as possible and voila 7 years of remission.
For me they are so I avoid eating them as much as possible.

There are zero "essential" carbohydrates so why bother.

Which is precisely what I did. No meds just dropped as many carbs as possible and voila 7 years of remission.

It's just a lifestyle choice then.

A lot of us on here choose a much less restrictive choice.
There are many out there.
It's just a lifestyle choice then.

A lot of us on here choose a much less restrictive choice.
There are many out there.
That's your choice.

I find "moderation" very difficult, with various food addictions in play, so exclusion for me is far easier.
That's your choice.

I find "moderation" very difficult, with various food addictions in play, so exclusion for me is far easier.
I am the same. Eating low carb gives me control over my disordered/binge/comfort eating.... and I enjoy it, but freedom from the cravings is a big motivating factor. Eating low carb and more fat really makes a huge difference and I feel healthier eating like this including much less joint pain and no more migraines which had been a chronic and acute problem for more than 20 years, so there have been other very positive benefits.
I stick to carbs from non-starchy fruit, veg and nuts +(Onions, leeks, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc) and just avoid refined ones. So no pasta, rice, and bread.

When I did 3 months using cheese and other stuff in high saturated far my cholesterol shot up, so I cut that out. (Although the rise may have been due to rapid weight loss due to my lifestyle change.)

I actually am quite happy with the food I eat. Carbs mainly (To me) are tasteless things that just bulk food up and absorb sauces. I don't particularly miss them. You can make very tasty food without them. Fish, veg, mustards, spices and herbs.

I've never had much of a sweet tooth (Although could easily binge on a bag of Haribo Balla Bites) so don't particularly miss things like biscuits (And I may sometimes just have one, anyway.)

Check out the Caldesi recipe books - he is a T2 diabetic who owns Italian restaurants, and with his wife has written some marvellous cook books.

I rather quickly developed cravings for salmon and chicken baked in mustard!

(Although I reduce the saturated fat content of the recipes, as some of them are somewhat liberal with butter and coconut oil!)
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