I admit defeat

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So over xmas I decided to just pretend to be normal. Thought maybe the alcohol would mitigate the raising bs levels :D

On boxing day my husband said that he hadnt been feeling great for a while, rundown, sleepy etc so I said "well if you want I will test your bs level & just check your not high" as he meets some of the criteria for developing T2 😉

So I checked mine & then his a few hours after eating. I was 8.9 he was 5.5 & we had been eating the exact same stuff all day. This is when it hit me - I cannot act like my body is normal anymore. I am different, even if I dont want to be.

So hello New Year, Im off to buy Anthony Worrel Thompsons Diabetic cookbook & try being low GI. boooo. Last night was hard, I kept thinking about the sweeties in the cupboard! lol

Anyway, thankyou for listening, My name is Janna & I am definitely a T2 😱
Hi Starbanana, we all try to ignore the diabetes as best we can. Christmas happens once a year, so don't beat yourself up for being a little high. It happens to everyone. A reading of 8.9 is not bad considering we eat more and are less active over the holiday!

I found personally if I try too hard to avoid sweets (in particular chocolate), I pig out on the stuff, which then causes its own problems.

I have the Anthony Worrell Thompson book, it is very interesting. As long as you are eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vege you should be fine. Woole meal and whole grain is better if you like it.

Have a treat from time to time, we all need them sometimes. A small bar of chocolate or treat sizes are great. On the other hand some people find a new CD or DVD is a brilliant reward...

Good luck with it, I hope you feel better about things too
Hi Janna, good luck on your quest for the 'new you'. Before diabetes struck I didn't have a clue what the pancreas did, now it's all too obvious and I do feel rather jealous of those who have a fully working one!. Of course, yours may be working but can't quite cover the insulin resistance in your body that is a feature of Type 2. As you adapt your diet and activity levels you should become more sensitive to your insulin and your pancreas will cope better.

I thought that I would miss the sweet things, but 18 months on from diagnosis I find that I rarely do. I think sometimes it's the idea of being denied something that is worst. In theory, I could just inject insulin, but find that I'd just rather do without the sweets, so don't worry, your tastes will change in time!🙂
hi starbanana i was like you put it to the back of my mind and thought your not going to ruin my first xmas with you if your guna be with me rest of my life we best get some ground rules sorted i said lol, you found me i did not go looking for you now you got me gues im stuck with you , we will just have to try our best to get along i said to myself lol, most pple think im mad anyways so talking to myself.I tend to find like caroline said if im sat thinking about it for to long ill go and get choccie or whatever.
I wish you the best with the book and hope things start to improve for you xx
Just a point about AWT books - he does a GI book and a GL (glycaemic load) book - the GL book is better in my opinion.
Just a point about AWT books - he does a GI book and a GL (glycaemic load) book - the GL book is better in my opinion.

Ah cool, cheers for that Northerner. Amazon is my friend so I am sure I will find that one on there. Then I can jam another 2 cookbooks in my already bursting recipe shelf 😉

Its not just xmas blues cos I didnt actually think I was being that different to normal. Although the empty box of roses might beg to differ! I havent exactly been good since diagnosis 2 years ago & that was the wake up call I needed I think. I know it will be hard to change my attitude but I also know I can always come here & get support! Thanks guys
hi star banana...i did the same and not worried to much...(even scoffed the expensive chocos for mother in law as i wont see her till next week so could buy some more...) ive been alright,but all the late nights and alcohol hit me bad yesterday and i slept alot ...
this morning started testing my fasting bs again and up to 7.5 AGGGGGRRRRHHHH id got them down to 6.8! but the good diabetic AM has come back and I 've got 3months before my next HbA1c. although my nursey said it i want i can arrange one now (3months since last) if i want.
dont beat yourself up as everyone else says..just pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start again. good luck
Hi Starbanana,
You are not alone.
I was diagnosed T2 July 09 and this was my first Christmas with diabetes.
I too really just "forgot" about it for the last two weeks.
I tested for the first time this morning and 7.3 so no real surprises there.
You cannot change what has been done so I guess we just need to buckle down and make the changes we need to in the coming year.
I am having trouble adjusting back but I know with the help of others including my friends on this site I can do it.
So can you!
I always suffer from post Christmas blues and have come down with a heavy cold (could this be a side effect of the last two weeks?). on of which is making me feel any better about myself or life in general.
Anyway Happy and Healthy New Year to you.🙂
Hi Janna,

Yes, you have to live the life, you can't put it on a shelf for a few days here and there, otherwise there would be a lot of us out for shelf space!

As for AWT's diabetic cookbook, go to a shop where they have a copy, I bought a copy and haven't been tempted by one dish yet.

I still use the books in conjunction with DUK, real life recipies, that can easily be adapted to your tastes.

Of course you might find AWT's recipes outstanding and therefore, as normal I might be talking twoddle 🙄
Beofe you buy any books it's always worth seeing if you local library has then, then you can see if you like the style of them and if the recepies appeal before spending money on them.

I hope that you can get back on track this new year, everyone indulgues over Christmas so don't beat yourself up about it.
..Of course you might find AWT's recipes outstanding and therefore, as normal I might be talking twoddle 🙄

Hehe, I doubt that 😉

I am planning on going to the bookshop tomorrow and browsing through them before I actually buy anything. There is a good selection of diabetic n GI books in our local shop, so I will probably spend most of lunchtime in there!

Thanks for the support guys n gals :D
Hehe, I doubt that 😉

I am planning on going to the bookshop tomorrow and browsing through them before I actually buy anything. There is a good selection of diabetic n GI books in our local shop, so I will probably spend most of lunchtime in there!

Thanks for the support guys n gals :D

I keep meaning to write up reviews of these books for the book section - will get on the case!🙂
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