Hypurine Porcine/Bovine??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All ...

I think I may have asked this question ages ... poss months ago ...

Does any of you lovely people use or have used either Hypurine Porcine Neutral and Isophane or Hypurine Bovine Neutral and Isophane Insulins ??

The reason I ask is Nathan is due to start on the porcine over the easter holidays.

I would just like to hear .. how you got or get on with it.

Many thanks

Hi Heidi,
I have posted part of your question on the other forum - if anyone knows about this - they will! Will let you know if any replies.🙂Bev xxx
Hi Heidi,
I have posted part of your question on the other forum - if anyone knows about this - they will! Will let you know if any replies.🙂Bev xxx

Thank you Bev ... Your a star ... :D

I have good understanding of it ... but just wanted to hear of there experiences ..

Got the following answer from a nurse and she also said she thinks its cows insulin or pigs.🙂Bev x

Not sure but thought it wasn't used because it caused alot of hypo's cos of it's strength. So i expect it may still be used for insulin resistance??
Hi All ...

I think I may have asked this question ages ... poss months ago ...

Does any of you lovely people use or have used either Hypurine Porcine Neutral and Isophane or Hypurine Bovine Neutral and Isophane Insulins ??

The reason I ask is Nathan is due to start on the porcine over the easter holidays.

I would just like to hear .. how you got or get on with it.

Many thanks


Hi there ,
I seem to remember that Falcon is just about the only poster still on the old "animal" insulins. Don't know which though. perhaps you should pm him ?
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Got the following answer from a nurse and she also said she thinks its cows insulin or pigs.🙂Bev x

Not sure but thought it wasn't used because it caused alot of hypo's cos of it's strength. So i expect it may still be used for insulin resistance??

Porcine = pig
Bovine = beef

The insulin is U100 the same as the chemicals used/discribed as insulin.
Isophane is a bit peaky so has to be fed with a small snack mid morning and afternoon plus supper before bed.
Neutral needs to be injected 30 mins before a meal and peaks at 2 hours.
The producers have had to increase their premises due to so many people using animal insulin's now due to the dreadful side effects from the analogues.
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Type1Sue! How are you? Alex keeps asking me about you as you were one of the first people to help us. Its good to hear from you.🙂Bev
Heidi, i couldnt find the double diabetes thread so have added it on to this one! Hope it helps.🙂Bev x

This is what Richard had to say about DD. Bear in mind he has had type1 for almost 65 years now so even in the mid 1990s that was lot of years!

I became a DDdouble diabetic in the mid 1990's after gaining 57 pounds and becoming insulin resistant. I started gaining weight when I stopped using NPH insulin and started using Humulin insulin. I did not realize what was causing my weight gain since I had not changed my diet or exercise routine. I started using Avandia in 1999. I have been using that medication for 11 years and it has been a wonder drug for me. I have lost most of my weight that I had gained and am very healthy, with no complications.
Heidi, i couldnt find the double diabetes thread so have added it on to this one! Hope it helps.🙂Bev x
This is what Richard had to say about DD. Bear in mind he has had type1 for almost 65 years now so even in the mid 1990s that was lot of years!
I became a DDdouble diabetic in the mid 1990's after gaining 57 pounds and becoming insulin resistant. I started gaining weight when I stopped using NPH insulin and started using Humulin insulin. I did not realize what was causing my weight gain since I had not changed my diet or exercise routine. I started using Avandia in 1999. I have been using that medication for 11 years and it has been a wonder drug for me. I have lost most of my weight that I had gained and am very healthy, with no complications.

Hi Bev ...

Many thanks for this info .. 🙂x

I've thought long hard and researched this issue over the past few days .. I'm not ruling it out .. but equally nor am I convinced N is DD..

I have a a strong feeling hormones is playing a major part in his resistance .. But also have another strong gut theory .. hence the change of insulin N is on .. 🙂x

A quick note on these. I have been on variants of these for many years. Way back in 1968 there were only animal insulins. When "human" insulins were introduced it was stated for many years that there would be no problems! It in fact took the professionals years to admit that there were. My arm was twisted until I changed and was then changed back after a lot of argument. I needed a far higher dose and had minimal warning of impending hypos. A friend's father actually lost his licence as a result! The slightly different molecular structure does seem to reduce insulin resistance. Also in some people it does give better warning of a hypo.
Hi All ...

Just a quick post .... Nathan has earlier just taken his first 2 injections of porcine isophane and neutral ... both had to be given at tea ... rather than the isophane at bed ... to try to reduce the risk of peak hypo's early in the morning between 12-2am .. he is also on a split dose of isophane ..

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