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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
would you always follow up a hypo?
If "follow up" means do I always treat hypos, then ABSOLUTELY Yes!

Otherwise, my body would get used to the lower blood sugars and I would become hypo unaware.
What do you mean by “follow up”? If you mean treat it then yes of course, if your blood sugars drop too low you can end up very poorly so you want to sort it out before it gets that far. Not all hypos are that bad of course but if you know you’re low you should always do something about it, your brain can’t function properly without a constant supply of glucose in the blood.

If you mean after you’ve treated the hypo with fast acting carbs should you follow it up with something slower e.g. a biscuit or sandwich or something, then that depends what treatment you are on and so on. On a pump you don’t need to do this, on injections you usually do, but everyone is different and people find their own favourite thing which works best for them.
For me I have found that I don't need follow up slow acting carbs otherwise I am back into double figures in no time and sometimes I only need one or two Jelly Babies to treat my hypo rather than the full 3 (or 15g fast acting carbs) which is normally recommended.
You will gradually figure out what works for you but it is always best to follow the general guidance of 15g fast acting, test again in 15 mins and if you are above 4 then 10-15g slower acting carbs. If you are still not above 4 after the first treatment, then you would take another 15g carbs and retest in another 15mins etc
yeah i mean follow up once you're back up.
yeah i mean follow up once you're back up.
For me, it’s a case of 'it depends'.
If I think that I haven’t got any bolus insulin still unspent, and I haven’t been exercising or anything, then it was probably just a bolus miscalculation, and I just need the amount of glucose I treated the hypo with.
If I’d gone hypo, say, a couple of hours after a meal, with plenty of insulin still on board, I’d consider why I had hypoed. If it’s just a timing issue, and I know I've got mealtime carbs on board that just haven’t got into the system yet, I’d wait and let them do their job.
If I thought, ooh, blimey, I should have thought that all that gardening this morning would have an effect, then I’d back up the glucose treatment with a protein bar or cheese and crackers or something slower acting to see me through until the bolus had run out.
If I thought I’d overdone the basal, and would continue to drop regardless of the mealtime bolus running out, then I’d also have a follow up snack.
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