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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have got the omnipod this week. My dsn said that when your hypo you dont need to treat with a carb after. Why is this?
If you mean a slow acting carb it's because of the way pumps work with only short acting insulin. Even with mdi it isn't always necessary to follow up a hypo treatment with a long acting carb. It depends on what causes the hypo. If there is still lots of circulating insulin after the hypo then further carbs will prevent levels dropping again. With a pump you have the option of suspending the basal insulin if that's caused the problem so no need for more carbs.
I almost feel disappointed that I no longer need that slice of toast before bed when I had a late hypo. I had a hypo before bed last night and decided it was worth an extra bolus to have a slice of toast, even though it is not necessary for the reasons given by TW above.
LOL - Radders and I frequently agree with each other - just as I am this time too - but I'm not her and she's definitely not me! 🙂

SB2015 - flippin eck - if I'm going to the trouble of having an extra bolus - then I'll jolly well make certain it's before eating something a damn sight more interesting than a ruddy slice of toast! (said she having had two sections of petticoat tail shortbread with my cuppa not long ago - absolutely definitely worth having another bolus for!)
I quite like toast!
But this toast is so yummy.
It is bread made by my husband, honey from a friends bees.
I really really like it.
OK about the bread, in that case. But honey is just completely OTT without a bolus for me!
I bolus for it all and know that I don't need as much as I eat but if I am below 5 at bed that is my treat to allow my meter to do its subtracion for below target reading.
Do you find you now need to go to bed higher than 5 now you're on a pump?

I mean if I'm under 5, I'd just stick a TBR on for a few hours - B nuisance when it wakes me up to say it's finished, but of course that does give an opportunity to test in the middle of the night LOL As long as I'm nearer 5, say 4.8 or something, I'm safe. But there again, I don't need very much at all overnight or really at any time - my TDD basal is only just about 10u - so I'm sensitive to a sniff of insulin LOL

Under 4.5, I'd probably have a swig of Lucozade as well as a couple of hours TBR and then trundle off into the land of Nod as per usual.
I have got the omnipod this week. My dsn said that when your hypo you dont need to treat with a carb after. Why is this?

Hi Claire

Sorry, I moved away from your question in praise of toast.
So in answer to your question, there is no need to follow a hypo with some slow acting carbs, because your basal rates are much more matched to the glucose your body is making. As you may have seen from above discussions you may need to watch what happens to BG and it depends on what you are doing next.
I had a hypo when walking over to a friend yesterday, treated it and as I was still going to be walking I knew I needed some more carbs to enable me to complete the walk. I had already set a TBR but had not tested before I left home, which I should have done. A hypo during the night I treat with jelly babies the number depending on how low the reading is, and then usually add one more head to ensure that I do not drop again.
If it happens whilst I am doing very little I will just treat the hypo, with an appropriate number of JB, and leave it at that. So I suppose as with most things to do with Diabetes it depends. Frustrating sometimes but that is how it is.

My reactions to hypos is far easier when I am using a Libre sensor, which is now most of the time. I can then look at the pattern that has lead to the hypo because it show me a graph of what has been happening to BG ( well interstitial glucose) over the past few hours since it has measured this every minute, averaged it out over 15 minutes and plots a graph for me when I scan the sensor with the reader. A great device but it is not available on NHS (yet) so is a bit costly.
Do you find you now need to go to bed higher than 5 now you're on a pump?
It depends what my Libre is showing. 5.5 is my target and on a good day I will stay level thought the night, so 5 is also okay so long as I am not also descending. So many things we just have to take account of in our normal day. Aren't we clever!!
LOL - but no amount of IQ will stop D bowling yorkers, will it?
And sometimes I have lost my bat, and it just hits me in the stomach!!
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