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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
my sons only had type 1 diabetes for 6 wks so were still learning. if his blood sugar is below 4 but he is about to have a meal does he still have to have his glucose tablets first or will the meal sort it out? greatful of any advice given thanx
Hi and welcome to the forum!:D

Absolutely - yes - he has to have the glucose - either glucotabs or coke or lucozade or jelly babies etc..and wait 10 minutes and test and if he is higher like 5 or 6 then he can eat - but dont give him food until he is at these levels or the food will delay absorption of the glucose if you have to treat him again.🙂Bev
hi thanx bev, i thought he was leveling out the last few weeks but then it started goin a bit hi then last few days it keeps droping. it happened at school last week and it was dinner time so they didnt give him glucos luckily he was ok. it happened again today just before dinner so i gave him 3 glucose tabs and a cerial bar then he had dinner but 1hr after it was up to 10 so all was well. but now i know to just give the glucose and wait to test before eating.
hi thanx bev, i thought he was leveling out the last few weeks but then it started goin a bit hi then last few days it keeps droping. it happened at school last week and it was dinner time so they didnt give him glucos luckily he was ok. it happened again today just before dinner so i gave him 3 glucose tabs and a cerial bar then he had dinner but 1hr after it was up to 10 so all was well. but now i know to just give the glucose and wait to test before eating.
hi shiv think my computer playing up i did reply but it doesnt seem to be here lol. my sons 9yrs old.
Hi gavman, just saying hello one parent to another. Bev et al of course absolutely right. Wait a few minutes, then eat...We've had several instances of rushing a meal when my son is low (because he's also STARVING from being hypo!), and he's then had to stop eating and have some glucose to feel okay enough to eat...So it's worth doing in the first instance.

Another thing to try is juice and/or lucozade, as others say. My son can sometimes handle the idea of drinking something before eating more than he can crunching glucose...

Best of luck.
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