Hypos two nights running now :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I woke up last night (not even sure what time it was!) at 3.3mmol and the night before at 3.9mmol.

I nagged my Dad to get me a bottle of Orange Lucozade yesterday so I had some of that last night and a bit of bread with chocolate spread and the night before I had bread with honey.

I love that my levels are normal again but I hate having hypos in the middle of the night! Any tips for avoiding them so I actually sleep? lol.

Also, I set my alarm to wake me up at 7:55 for I could do my BG, take my Levemir and have breakfast. 8:55 swings around and I wake up, swear loudly and promtly do all tha needs doing and BG is a 12.5mmol :( :( Turns out I set the alarm for 7:55PM

I have some very bland cereal with whole milk (I hear wholemilk has fewer carbs). The cereal, for a 30g portion is 21.6g carb and the milk is 4.7 per 100ml. I put 30g in the bowl and 200ml if milk in (4.7+4.7= 9.4ml and I rounded it up to 10) I totted it up (I also rounded the cereal up to 22g carb) and go 32g carb and as I am on a 1:10 ratio, figured it to should be 3u of Novorapid but as I want to get my levels back down, I gave myself 5u

Goodness me, sorry if none of that made any sense!!
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What level were you when you went to bed? What time was that reading and when had you last had novorapid? Dafne rules are that if you have a night hypo you should cut your basal by 10-20% straightaway but the timings of your last doses are relevent to see if it's the basal that's the issue or something else...
I have a Contour meter but can't seem to be able to get my past readings up??

I can't use my new MyLife Pura as I've run out of strips for it :(
I don't use that meter so can't tell you how to do it I'm afraid.
What I'm getting at is, if you went to bed at an acceptable level and you're confident that your last dose of novo was 'done' (around 4hrs or so) then you can be pretty confident that your basal is the problem and most likely needs to be reduced, if there was still novo in your system then it's a bit less clear. Might be worth eating a little earlier (so 4-5hrs before bed) so you know only the basal is working. Then set an alarm for 2/3am to see of it's dropping you or not....
Ahh thank you.

If I can figure out how to get my past readings up, I'll let you know what it was before bed. I know I did it but didn't log it (oops!)

I'm pretty sure my last dose of Novorapid was around 8:30 last night as I had my dinner rather late! I also do 30u of Levemir at 8am and 8pm
OK- hypo was at 5am and my last test was at 10:20 when I was 5.6mmol so I now know I should have eaten before bed.

Lesson learned
If you ate at 830 then at 1020 the novo would still be peaking so would probably have brought the 5.6 lower. That could have been it, although 5am was quite late to hypo from that so it could be your basal needs tweaking a little too.
Very helpful topic and responses. Many thanks.
Yeah I'm going to try reducing it by 1 unit and see where that takes me
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