Hypos on Metformin mini survey

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been taking Metformin for a week now and my BG has dropped quite nicely while taking one 500mg a day in the morning with breakfast 🙂.

I wonder if anybody on this forum who is or has taken Metformin tablets has ever had a hypo?


I am 1 type 1 on metformin. At first I had loads of hypos while figuring out how my insulin dose should change but now my sugars have got higher. I will increase the met dose again soon so I am anticipating more hypos.

EDIT: I am on normal Metformin 500mg twice a day, I am going to increase to 3x a day soon.
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Might be worth stating dose and type of metformin you are taking, and any other diabetes medication - there are normal metformin tablets, slow release tablets and a new powder to make into solution with water, available at 500mg, 750mg and / or 1000mg metformin hydrochloride.
I'm on 850mg metformin twice a day and 500mg gliclizade once a day. As my levels are normal around 7 I start to notice things when I get below 5, but I have never been lower than 4.

It is more unlikely on metformin alone to have a hypo. Physical activity and stress also play their part in your glucose levels.
im on 500mg slow release once a day with breakfast have been for last 8 days and i have seen no improvement yet , gp did tell me after 3 weeks if i did not see any change to take 2 , im wondering because i take them with food if thats preventing them working proper as it does say drink with water ????
im on 500mg slow release once a day with breakfast have been for last 8 days and i have seen no improvement yet , gp did tell me after 3 weeks if i did not see any change to take 2 , im wondering because i take them with food if thats preventing them working proper as it does say drink with water ????

It takes a couple of weeks to notice a difference, Read the instruction leaflet that comes withthe box of pills. I was told I MUST take them with or soon after food.

If you don't take the pills with food you will make friends with the toilet quite frequently. If you have any doubts talk to the doctoe or pharmacist.
is that slow release gliclazide?

Don't think so, I take just one in the morning and metformin at lunch and dinner. Nothing in the instructions or packaging say it is slow release and getting information out of my doctor sometimes is more difficult that crossing the atlantic in a paper bag.
I'm on 1 mg glimiperide (amaryl) and 4x 500 Metformin pills a day. I take the glimiperide with breakfast. Two pills metformin with breakfast and two with dinner.
I've been on 5 metformin in the past and in February or March 2008 I've had hypo symptoms.

I was used to having high sugar levels until February, so when I had 4.5 it felt like a hypo.

Nowadays I even get readings of 3.5 (usually before lunch) and I don't feel like I've got a hypo. I can tell I need to eat and feel a little weak, but that's all.
Thankfully for me I can tell what my sugar levels do, just by really feeling and listening to my body. 🙂
Don't think so, I take just one in the morning and metformin at lunch and dinner. Nothing in the instructions or packaging say it is slow release and getting information out of my doctor sometimes is more difficult that crossing the atlantic in a paper bag.

ok, don't know what it is then, usually 1 gliclazide tablet is 80mg and maximum dose is 2 tablets twice a day so 360mg per day, 500mg just seemed alot that's why I asked.
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