Hypos in Supermarkets

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry to go off thread a bit but why does this happen? I think there was a thread about this a while ago or at least got onto this topic somewhere. Its really odd as i too go well low when in a Supermarket. Its really fascinating to be honest and one of lifes little mysteries it appears.
Its getting to be a joke in our household too....

Bernie xx

Thinking back, I had my first bad hypo in a supermarket, and on a hot day too! Although it's not far from my home I quickly realised that I needed to stop and get my dextrose tablets out (hadn't realised at that time that jelly babies were just as good!), rather than wait till I got home.

Hmm...might be a poem in this! 🙂
well i have keeled over twice in a supermarket and had to be picked up and sat on a chair so ill add my bit in as well :D
Thats absoultly superb Northerner good work .
I had a horrible hypo in Morrisons a couple of years ago. I thought there was a conspiracy in the pet food aisle and kept asking my daughter where everyone one was and I was convinced something was going on. Broke down, paramedics were called, frightened my daughter and eventually went home without any shopping! had to do it next day but had another hypo. What a weekend I was having!(luckily it's only happened once) Sheena😱
Great blog northerner and great poem as always :D

There has to be something in this though...its soooooo strange....

Bernie x
I always tend to go low after the supermarket..............my theory is that you dont think of it as exertion, but just think how far you are actually walking from start to finish, plus lifting, putting the shopping away etc.

I always have something like milky coffee first and not bolus, or decrease my pre meal bolus beforehand a little to compensate for the activity! :D

Ha ha, thank you so much for cheering me up once again! Love the poem and it's take on the supermarket highway.

I had my first panick attack whilst out shopping - could have been earlysigns of diabetes I guess?

Been shopping this eve after nast HbA1c result - 8.8 not good for me and my own fault :( Doctors are questionning about why I'm not taking symvistatin, again! cholesterol5.5 but hdl 2.4.

Sorry - highjacking post will shut up now...
I always tend to go low after the supermarket..............my theory is that you dont think of it as exertion, but just think how far you are actually walking from start to finish, plus lifting, putting the shopping away etc.

I always have something like milky coffee first and not bolus, or decrease my pre meal bolus beforehand a little to compensate for the activity! :D

It's the bill Tracey!! enough to make anyone go hyper or hypo! :D
Great poem Northerner!
C hasn't had a hypo in the supermarket yet, but then we always go straight after dinner/tea.
Oh I've developed a phobia about supermarkets since Ben's been diagnosed - he's had some really horrible ones there that have reduced me to a quivering wreck! Have now started doing all my shopping with tesco online with Ben in bed and glass of wine in hand - much more agreeable!:D
I really loved the last rhyme!
I don't know if it's because I tend to go before dinner time (and that's when I usually get hypos) or because I spend a lot of time running around trying to avoid other people's trolleys... but I always tend to feel low after!
Now I basically test before going, and treat shopping as an excuse to eat something without bolusing 🙂
great poem Northe! actually made me lol :D I like having the idea of the free jelly babies buckets around the store....may put a comment in to tesco haha!
funnily enough i go hypo in supermarkets all the time !!!


funnily enough i go hypo in supermarkets all the time !!!



Same its really strange - i guess we dont think about it being exercise...the amount of time i spend looking around the shop iv probably walked a couple of miles lol
Same its really strange - i guess we dont think about it being exercise...the amount of time i spend looking around the shop iv probably walked a couple of miles lol

yh thats true.... haha yh i spend half the time lookin up all the aisles tryin to find ma mum 😛

went hypo at morrisons today, ooo yeah lol

next weekend it shall be asda no doubt 😛 xxx
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