HYPO's in General

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Right I have only eva had 1 hypo and that was when I was working, It was caused by stress my BS went down to 2.3 was taken into hospital because I've had a Heart Attack and they just wanted to check me out...

Am I missing something here can you have Hypo's when your BS is high or is it just when you go Low!! My BS is normal Quite High in the region of 16-21ish but just lately due to the new Nurse I have its come down into the 5's at night but still a bit high during the day to which I know is down to what I am eating...

Anyway answers on a Post Card to www.diabetessupport.co.uk 🙂🙂😛😛
A hypo is when your levels drop below 4mmol/l. You can't have a hypo when your levels are high, because that's not the way it works 🙂 However, you can feel rough when you go higher. I know personally that I start feeling naff as soon as I hit double figures!

How long have you been diagnosed, Jules, out of interest? 🙂
8yrs and has been messed up for the whole 8 really No help from anyone really and I didnt know this was here untill the other day lol.... What are the symtoms? when I had my 1 my vision went blurred and dizzy is there anything else that I need to look out for....
Symptoms will vary from person to person. Some people get the shakes, feel dizzy, feel hot/cold. I tend to get confused, sleepy, weepy. Some are very person specific.

I'm actually shocked that you've never had this explained to you in 8 years! Please, please tell me that you carry a source of sugar around with you - glucose tablets, lucozade, or similar?
Hi Jules, if your levels are generally way above 4 mmol/l then that's probably why you've only had one hypo. The tighter your blood sugar control gets, the greater possibility of having hypos. I've had (according to my meter) 104 hypos in the past year. Most of them were only slightly under and didn't really bother me, but if it falls below 3 then I usually get the symptoms - sweating, shakes etc. You might experience the same kind of symptoms as your blood sugar levels improve, because your body will 'think' that it is low due to being lower than normal for you.

Whilst it may seem scary to put yourself at greater risk of hypos, it is better long term to take that risk than to live with constantly high levels which can cause long term damage.
8yrs and has been messed up for the whole 8 really No help from anyone really and I didnt know this was here untill the other day lol.... What are the symtoms? when I had my 1 my vision went blurred and dizzy is there anything else that I need to look out for....

It's criminal that you have been left with so little information about how to manage your diabetes for so long! Stick with us, my friend, we'll help you get sorted!

As SH says, symptoms vary, but commonly are feeling shaky, sweating, hunger, tiredness, blurred vision, pins and needles around your mouth, finding it hard to concentrate, headaches, feeling tearful, increased heart rate, and becoming stroppy or stubborn. Basically, your brain needs a certain level of blood sugar, if it drops too low then it sends out panic signals which cause stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin to start pumping - the same as when you are angry or scared, so that's generally how you feel.
When I get below 3 I start to get shaky and tearful, I may also get a headache. If I get lower than that I start feeling sick and dizzy and may get confused and unresponsive as well. 1.7 is my record so far and I passed out briefly. Once I come back up I will be very tired and irritable for a few hours and feel as though I've got the world's worst hangover.
Well due to work issue's and family life I just got on and done what I could... As for carrying sugary sweets around with me.. its only in the last 6 weeks since I have see the new Nurse in my area and she asked the same Question......

Even she was not happy with the way the last Gp Practise I was at didnt really help me out, But I am on a new road now and my partner is helping as well, She just thought that I was coping and it wasn't till I saw the nurse and it all came out so she is a bit more clued up now but she is still learning like me....
It is possible to get hypo Symptoms when you levels are high.
When i was first diagnosed, my bloods had been around the 25 - 30 mark. After injecting insuling for a week or so, i felt 'Hypo' I was 5.4
If your bloods are continually high, your body will think that you are hypo when you get to single figures, and emmit symptoms.
(i hope that made sence)

ANyway, welcome, please do stick around. 🙂
Well due to work issue's and family life I just got on and done what I could... As for carrying sugary sweets around with me.. its only in the last 6 weeks since I have see the new Nurse in my area and she asked the same Question......

Even she was not happy with the way the last Gp Practise I was at didnt really help me out, But I am on a new road now and my partner is helping as well, She just thought that I was coping and it wasn't till I saw the nurse and it all came out so she is a bit more clued up now but she is still learning like me....

Great to hear your partner is helping, it's so important (I think) to have someone immediately there who can help. Saying that - I've never heard of an unsupportive partner, but you get my point!

I think Northe summed it up quite well - it IS scary running your levels lower especially if you've been so high for so long, but your long term health will thank you. When I came down from having higher levels I would often feel low even if I was in range - just your body adjusting.
Just has an early dinner... Roast Lamb Roast Tats Cauliflower Carrots 3 Mini Yorkshire's and Gravy... No Salt or Papper as dont like them lol.... Blood Sugar 10.2... 36Units of insulin and Tablets 2000mg.................. Watch this space for updates in about 2 hrs or so when I get Hungry again lol
good luck jules that sounded yummy the other T1 will be on to support you im sure and offer advice xx ps found you on fb !!!
Hi Jules,
The very fact that you have only ever had 1 hypo is a huge worry for a diabetic. This would indicate to me that you are running 'high' all the time and the consequences of that are obvious. It is dreadful that you have been left to sort yourself out without proper information. However, you are now in the right place to get that information - but unfortunately this will mean that you may suffer some more hypos! Operating tight control to try to halt future complications is the way to go. Running in double figures for most of the time is not the way to go. How often are you testing?🙂Bev
Jules - what "tablets 2000mg"? If these are for diabetes, are you actually type 2? Anyway, good to hear that you're testing testing blood sugar levels to discover how foods / meals affect you.
Jules - what "tablets 2000mg"? If these are for diabetes, are you actually type 2?

Not necessarily, I am T1 and take metformin.

Like Jules my doctors never told me anything and are still not very good. There is an improvement but if I don't motivate myself they won't bother with me. I had to struggle for 15 years before getting myself onto a DAFNE course and even learning the basics. My blood sugars must have been high for years (I never tested) and I had no clue how to control them or adjust my insulin. DAFNE was a eureka moment for me, I ended up in floods of tears from emotion and relief.

Jules, there are courses to teach you about diabetes. Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating (DAFNE) is the biggest one for T1s (http://www.dafne.uk.com/ and the forum is at http://www.dafneonline.co.uk/), but there are other local ones with different names. Bournemouth have one which has an online course here: http://www.bdec-e-learning.com/ if you can't take time off work to do DAFNE.
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