Hypos and memory loss?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all
Type 1 here, on Fiasp and Lantus insulin’s. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced memory loss/ confusion with very low glucose levels early in the morning?

I have a Freestyle Libre on my arm that I can scan with my phone that gives me a reading of my sugars. I woke up Sunday morning and this morning, totally confused and with short term memory loss. My hgc levels had dipped to almost 1!! And were up and down for about 4 hours, never going much above 3.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Hi @Emmylou84 Our brains run on glucose, so yes, a bad hypo can cause memory loss, a vacant feeling, poor concentration, etc. Do you have Libre 1 or Libre 2? Can you pinpoint what caused that awful hypo?

I hope you’re feeling ok. I used to find it took me a day to recover from a severe hypo.
Hi @Emmylou84 Our brains run on glucose, so yes, a bad hypo can cause memory loss, a vacant feeling, poor concentration, etc. Do you have Libre 1 or Libre 2? Can you pinpoint what caused that awful hypo?

I hope you’re feeling ok. I used to find it took me a day to recover from a severe hypo.
Oh not just me then! Erm I think it’s a Libre 2? No idea what could’ve caused it, I took my insulin as normal before bed and got an early night.
Thanks, they’re horrendous aren’t they
If it is a Libre 2, you should be able to set alarms to alert you to lows (and highs). Check the Settings and see if you can, or look at a sensor pack maybe.

Yes, severe hypos are horrible. I haven’t had any for years but I still remember the feeling. Do rest for at least a day, and take it easy over the next couple of days too.

I note you’re on Lantus. Many things could have caused your hypo, of course, but there is such a thing as a ‘Lantus hypo’ where the Lantus releases all at once rather than gradually. Tonight, if it was me, I’d reduce my basal slightly and have a bedtime snack. Better to risk running slightly high for a couple of days than have a repeat hypo like that. I found running a little higher gave my brain a chance to recover and took the pressure off me. Have a ‘safe’ evening meal - ie one you know the carbs of and that works for you too.
Every hypo that takes you below around 2.5 knocks off a few brain cells. Permanently. You’ve got billions to work at, but it’s a good reason for avoiding low hypos. Furthermore, if my BG heads towards 1, I have in the past had grand mal epileptic fits, which are an interesting experience, but can involve personal injuries. And wet trousers.

I’d agree with @Inka’s advice. That’s a basal insulin hypo, so you need to adjust your Lantus dose, the time of day you inject it, and a small snack at bedtime. Don’t do all at once, wait and see the effect, then carry on doing that if it changes things.
I've heard that it can be quite common. Since diagnosis I have noticed that I sometimes forget simple words "pass me the...thingy... the erm...". It tends to coincide with low BG, often when I am dashing around cooking or a little stressed.
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