hypos and bouncing :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all, ive been on the pump since tuesday , and have so far had 5 hypos on tuesday , 4 hypos yesterday and so far 1 today :( im sooo tired but determined to get this right!, nursey phoned me yesterday and we decided to put my basal down a bit..... im gonna phone her today as ive noticed a pattern that when i correct with a bolus i go low or if i have a bolus for a meal i go low so i think mabey my ratio is wrong not the basal , im on 0.55u/h and my correction for high b.s is 1 unit brings b.s down by 2.5mmol , ive been seriously strict with my carb counting so i know im not getting that wrong...just feeling sooo pants and have a stinking hypo hangover wanted a moan...sorry 😱
Moan away! :D Where else can you have a rant about something diabetes-related and know that people will really get it? 😎

Starting on a pump is a fantastic feeling, but it can be really rough as well! The first three days I found particularly hard, because you usually still have some of your old basal insulin hanging around and screwing things up, and you end up in hypoland.

My ratios and correction doses all changes when I went on the pump, and I found it quite hard to adjust to that at first. You seem to be on top of it though 🙂, and I know it sucks when you're dropping low all the time, but you're noticing when things are going wrong, and the beauty of the pump is that you can change things quickly and see results. It'll all be worth it in the end! :D
update :D ok so spoke to nursey and we changed a few things , we left the basal rate as it was for now but changed my insulin sensitivity to 1u to 3mmol and my ratio to 0.5u to 10gcarb and i havent been hypo since:D yay! feeling a bit better now hypo hangover has gone and a giant box of supplies from roche just arrived ( lol i think i over ordered ) just have to go to the gp now and get my prescription sorted...... think the hyps left me feeling a bit demoralized , although i did expect teething problems but seems to be sorting it self out now and im back to being chirpy again :D
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