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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All...

Just when I thought stupidly....I had managed over the past couple of days to get Nathan..as stable as can be..with insulin doses...food...exercise etc, even yesterday him having cheesecake as a treat for doing really superbly with awards at school...and him going to bed last night at 7.7...waking at 8.3...rising to 10.6 just before lunch..and still giving the lowest dose of insulin that he has ever needed over the past 18 mths....

Well since 3.30pm.....he has had 3 hypo's...the lowest read 2.8 the highest 3.6. Nathan is now reading 5.3....and in his word feels like crap and is fed up...understandably.

Now I feel totally frustrated, and totally useless.....and thats not a woe is me thing...woe is me achieves nothing....it just aaaarrrrggggghhhhhhhh.

Hi Heidi,

I am sorry to hear that Nathan feels awful, and you must feel for him too!

I know you dont carb count - (well you do - but in a different way!) - but i would hazard a guess that his lunchtime ratio was wrong. It can only really be that or if he has had a lot of exercise this afternoon?

What did he eat?

The best bit of information that i have found is that 'there is always a reason' for either high or low levels.
Dont look upon this as a failure - the numbers are just an indication that there is something happening with either the food/insulin ratio or that Nathan has had some unplanned exercise. Does Nathan have any idea why he should be so low at all?

Hope he is feeling better now.:DBev x
I hope things start to get better soon, one hypo can lead to another quite soon so try not to get too disheartened that he's had 3 so close together. Very frustrating I know, but then so much of diabetes is! Hope he, and you, start to feel better soon.
Hi Bev,

The lunch time dose is now 10units...and he was settled at that for 4 days...and his general BG levels are on the move in an upwards direction..across the board....which is what I'm aiming to do for him so that he regains his hypo awareness to above 4 etc
Nathan cant shed any pointers on why??...might ask him again tomorrow..just to see if something was different today...he not in an answering sort of mood at the moment..🙂
I agree there is a definate reason/cause...but I damned if I can put my finger on it...:confused:....But I will find it...it is there I know it.

Hi Heidi,

I'm sorry to hear about Nathans hypos. And you're not useless!

I hope he feels better soon. Perhaps you could treat the both of you with something a little naughty but nice.

Take care.
I suspect that having 3 hypos in a short period of time, what would it have been 3 hours? Was that maybe there wasn't enough carbohydrate to keep his blood sugar from falling again after the hypo.

Hope he has a hypo free day tomorrow
Hey Heidi,

How are you and nathan? I am sorry to hear of the lows, must be so annoying and frustrating for you both. Hope you find that cause- I know you will. Definately take Tez's advice!

I sent a reply and lost it......

I hope Nathan has a good night tonight and tomorrow is another day. I wouldn't change anything yet. It could just have been today that it went a bit haywire !

Don't forget hormones and don't forget that exercise can have an effect up to 48 hours later, with J it sometimes within 72 hours but most people it could be 48 hours.

Don't beat yourself up, these days happen and its not your fault or Nathans.
Argh how frustrating Heidi - all I can say is, been there! Horrible.

Hope things are better? Ish?

I'll keep eyes peeled for news, and all best meantime.
Hi Heidi

How are things today? Better? I hope so. We have experienced something similar in the past and i know how rotten it makes them feel and how annoying and frustrating it is for us.

Hope today a better day! Keep us posted. 🙂🙂
Hi All

Thank you all so much for your replies.

Well today so far has been hypo free....fingers crossed.. I took us till about 12 last night to stabalise Nathan's levels...then me being in and out of bed checking on him for the rest of the night...when he finally went to sleep he was reading 11.2...not quite what I would have anticipated bearing the amount of carbs etc he had been given during the course of his hypo's....he woke at 10.6.

After Nathan went to school. I phoned his DSN...because he cannot keep going on like this indefinately for the next several years till he out of puberty etc..Nor are the amount of hypo's Nathan is suffering anyway acceptable and the consequences and risks that go along with them.

The DSN..seems to think..it is age related etc..and Nathan is suffering from a kind of dawn/rebound phenomenom but giving the oppisite effects....she said it is uncommon but they have seen it before.

She has also told me to continue making the adjustments with regards to insulin dose's etc...She has also asked for me to do BG tests every hour for the next 48hrs...in order for me to see if there is a pattern in Nathan's BG profile..that will hold a clue and so she can advise me further.

I have also requested another appointment with Nathan's consultant..for me to address with both of them the issues of Nathan's hypo's...and the fact that his consultant seem's to think there is no problem with Nathan picking up on hypo warning sign's when he gats them at 3 or under..

Thank you all again....Wish me luck...hahaha...Nathan just walked through the door...the summer holidays have started........7 weeks......:D

Howdy Heidi

You need to get hold of a CGM! Does your hospital have one? If your DSN is asking you to do hourly tests (ouch!) then Nathan really needs some constant monitoring -- your hospital should have one, though I know this is not the case all over the country.

Poor you. Now watch his levels go back up now that he's out of school!...Ack. Can't win for losing...

Hang in there.
Hi All

Thank you all so much for your replies.

Well today so far has been hypo free....fingers crossed.. I took us till about 12 last night to stabalise Nathan's levels...then me being in and out of bed checking on him for the rest of the night...when he finally went to sleep he was reading 11.2...not quite what I would have anticipated bearing the amount of carbs etc he had been given during the course of his hypo's....he woke at 10.6.

After Nathan went to school. I phoned his DSN...because he cannot keep going on like this indefinately for the next several years till he out of puberty etc..Nor are the amount of hypo's Nathan is suffering anyway acceptable and the consequences and risks that go along with them.

The DSN..seems to think..it is age related etc..and Nathan is suffering from a kind of dawn/rebound phenomenom but giving the oppisite effects....she said it is uncommon but they have seen it before.

She has also told me to continue making the adjustments with regards to insulin dose's etc...She has also asked for me to do BG tests every hour for the next 48hrs...in order for me to see if there is a pattern in Nathan's BG profile..that will hold a clue and so she can advise me further.

I have also requested another appointment with Nathan's consultant..for me to address with both of them the issues of Nathan's hypo's...and the fact that his consultant seem's to think there is no problem with Nathan picking up on hypo warning sign's when he gats them at 3 or under..

Thank you all again....Wish me luck...hahaha...Nathan just walked through the door...the summer holidays have started........7 weeks......:D


ooooo heidi good luck there mines in for another week yet,

hope things go well with future appointments xx
Howdy Heidi

You need to get hold of a CGM! Does your hospital have one? If your DSN is asking you to do hourly tests (ouch!) then Nathan really needs some constant monitoring -- your hospital should have one, though I know this is not the case all over the country.

Poor you. Now watch his levels go back up now that he's out of school!...Ack. Can't win for losing...

Hang in there.

Hi Patricia

Yes I will check on that...it did cross my mind about CGM...but after the phone call.....Besides I've just told Nathan what we need to do....I cannot post his exact words....

I know now his levels will go back up.....lol...Diabetes is there to test us mam's....but as a mam I damned if it going to get the better of me.

Thank you all again....Wish me luck...hahaha...Nathan just walked through the door...the summer holidays have started........7 weeks......:D

Oh no!!!

The summer holidays!!!! There'll be kids everywhere!!!


Seriously, good luck with the testing and in the meantime have a great summer. And you know where we all are if you need us!
Oh no!!!

The summer holidays!!!! There'll be kids everywhere!!!


Seriously, good luck with the testing and in the meantime have a great summer. And you know where we all are if you need us!

Hehehe pmsl@kids everywhere tez 😱 pssst i agree
Hi All,

Well so far Nathan has been 4.2 at 3.30, upto 4.9 at 4.30 which is tea time, and 9.4 at 5.30.

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