

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey, today I had a really horrible episode at work. I started to feel really faint and my mouth went numb. I felt better after 10 minutes of lying on the floor in the office. Does this sound like Hypoglycemia? Or something else?
Sorry to hear about your nasty experience @sean_marsh

Tingling lips and weakness can be symptoms of hypoglycaemia, but they can also be brought on by other things too.

Do you have a BG meter to check your levels?

Are you on any glucose-lowering medication?
Sorry to hear about your nasty experience @sean_marsh

Tingling lips and weakness can be symptoms of hypoglycaemia, but they can also be brought on by other things too.

Do you have a BG meter to check your levels?

Are you on any glucose-lowering medication?
Unfortunately, I left my BG monitor at home today! :( Just Metformin. I did feel like this the other day (not as bad though) and checked - I was 3.8mmol.
3.8 could certainly make you feel a bit edgy (especially if you’d been generally higher beforehand).

Metformin is unlikely to cause severe hypoglycaemia, as it doesn’t actively lower BG levels as much as make it easier for your body to keep them in range.

But the body can trigger some fairly full-on symptoms if levels drop rapidly, or if the contrast between usual levels and current BG is significant.

Non-D folks can get to high 3s and experience some warning signs of low BG from time to time too, but their systems generally have checks and balances to stop levels dropping dangerously low.