

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hyperglycaemia just means high blood sugar @Tilly6364 Do you know your actual test result - ie the number?
I'm a Type 1 Diabetic since 2003 i have loads of low glucose levels but only some high ones, i have had that many low glucose levels over the years i no longer get the shakes or the early warning signs even if my glucose is on 2.9, trying to balance glucose levels is very difficult. It is dangerous for me at those low levels so i always try to have someone with me if i am out.
Welcome @M.Kn 🙂 I’ve reported your post so it can be moved to its own thread rather than be lost in this unrelated one.

It sounds like you have hypo unawareness. Often this can be improved or regained by running slightly high for a few weeks or months and then staying about, say, 5. Do you have a CGM? If so, what’s your Low alarm set at?
I'm a Type 1 Diabetic since 2003 i have loads of low glucose levels but only some high ones, i have had that many low glucose levels over the years i no longer get the shakes or the early warning signs even if my glucose is on 2.9, trying to balance glucose levels is very difficult. It is dangerous for me at those low levels so i always try to have someone with me if i am out.
I think you are talking about hypoglycaemia not hyperglycaemia
I'm a Type 1 Diabetic since 2003 i have loads of low glucose levels but only some high ones, i have had that many low glucose levels over the years i no longer get the shakes or the early warning signs even if my glucose is on 2.9, trying to balance glucose levels is very difficult. It is dangerous for me at those low levels so i always try to have someone with me if i am out.

Welcome @M.Kn 🙂 It sounds like you have hypo unawareness. Often this can be improved or regained by running slightly high for a few weeks or months and then staying about, say, 5. Do you have a CGM? If so, what’s your Low alarm set at?
Hello i have had enough of my Type 1 Diabetes i have an underactive Thyroid gland (Hashimoto Disease), low red blood cells and also low Potassium levels of 2.9 my body is destroying it's self my Type 1 Diabetes and Thyroid are both autoimmune diseases that i never asked for, mentally and physically i am done i feel ill everyday, my HbA1c is 47 not that this is checked much by the professionals. I have been a Type 1 since 2003 i'm 44 now and i don't think many years are left in me the way i am feeling.

@M.Kn If use Post Thread, you can start your own thread rather than post on unrelated ones. There’s some info below but do ask if you’re not sure 🙂

Maybe you want to check your insulin dosage or carbohydrate intake if you are having so many hypos, they seem to be out of synch. I can run a blood glucose of 2.8 and function perfectly well in a normal situation but it isn't a good place to be. Do you have a CGM or do you rely on finger pricks?
Thank you that's the word i was thinking off hypo unawareness, it's horrible i stand there check my glucose level and it says 3.3 and i am surprised because i can't feel it, thank you for reminding of the word for, hypo unawareness.

Do you fingerprick to check the Libre when it says you’re low @M.Kn ? What is your Low Alarm set at?
The Libre 3 sensors often flag up low blood sugar when it isn't so. My current one seems to be running with about 1.5 difference from what the sticks tell me and I am getting a lot of hypo alerts that aren't real so I am having to take that into account, and very tedious it is too. You possibly aren't getting all these lows that that machine thinks you are but you have to evaluate its accuracy yourself, sensor to sensor.
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Thank you that's the word i was thinking off hypo unawareness, it's horrible i stand there check my glucose level and it says 3.3 and i am surprised because i can't feel it, thank you for reminding of the word for, hypo unawareness.
Your best bet is to do as @Inka suggests: keep over (say) 5 for a few weeks. That's long been the recommendation for trying to regain awareness, but having CGMs (with alarms) makes it much more practical.

Being low too much is known to increase the risk of hypo unawareness. That's part of the reason for the rather strict <5% in the time in range recommendations. Hypos present long term as well as short term risks.
Your best bet is to do as @Inka suggests: keep over (say) 5 for a few weeks. That's long been the recommendation for trying to regain awareness, but having CGMs (with alarms) makes it much more practical.

Being low too much is known to increase the risk of hypo unawareness. That's part of the reason for the rather strict <5% in the time in range recommendations. Hypos present long term as well as short term risks.
Yep, too may for too long = permanent brain damage. Have experienced someone having a complete change of personality, just awful for his entire family and wider circle. Don't go there, please!