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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Morning all,

Not had a good night. Long story short had a hypo at tea time yesterday it came on soooo suddenly was really scary! Managed to do bs and was 1.7 😱
hd some glucogel and did bs 10 mins l8r, was up to 2.3! My daughter was in the other room but I couldn't even shout out to her, fortunately my husband arrived hm and called the paramedics, they were with me very quickly, got my OH to make a cuppa with loads of sugar and find the choccie biccies, they were brill (the paramedics that is), and stayed with me till bs had gone up to 4.2 🙂 They advised me to get in touch with DSN or doc today which I have done, but haven't heard from them as yet. I just can't believe hw quickly I went down, felt fine one minute and the next I was collapsing, is that normally hw it goes? Feeling very shakey and headachey this morning, and really, really tired.

Guess this is the nature of the beast, huh?

Oh and have got the dreaded Eye test tomorrow too, is all happening don't know if I can take all the excitement!! LOL

Take care, lv Shirl x
Hi Shirl, very sorry to hear about the hypo. It can be very scary when you have your first one, especially when it dips as low as yours did! I think my first one was only in the 3s so not quite as dramatic. Did you get any symptoms beforehand? Sometimes, especially when you haven't experienced them before, it's not easy to recognise them for what they are.Sounds like you have the classic 'hypo headache' too, hope you are feeling better soon - it's like a hangover without the booze, not fair!

Hypos aren't always like that, in fact my experience is that it is very rare for one to drop you so low so quickly - out of the hundred or so that I have had, I'd say that maybe 5-10% have been fast drops. A lot of the time it's just a gradual lowering, often as you approach the time of your next meal.

Hope your doctor is able to give you some reassurance and make appropriate adjustments to your meds and insulin.🙂 What insulin are you on now?
Hi Shirl.

Wow that was a Hypo n a Half my 1st one was exactly the same as what you had last night.. Paramedics called but I was taken into Hospital due to my Heart Problems.... Any hope your feeling a lot better today... I cant really give you any advise on what to do when it happens again sorry....

Thanx Northerner,
am on Lantus Solostar 22units a day as well as 1g Metformin x2 and 100mg Gliclizide x2 daily! Didn't feel unwell at all before I started to sweat profusely and legs started to buckle, managed to grab Glucogel and sit down before I fell! Don't want to play anymore, apparently thats wot I said to the paramedics, can't really remember that tho 🙂 Life is just soooo good, but hey it could be worse? Couldn't it?
Ah bless ya Jules, thanx for reply! Think the family was more scared than me! Paramedics were gr8t did ask if I wanted to go to hospital but I said would be betta at home. My poor daughter was beside herself and said this morning she hoped shed never see me go like that again! I hope it don't happen too often either.

Thanks again, take care, shirl
It could be worse Shirl! You might not have all the lovely people on this forum to relate to and to support you! 😉 I suspect that the doctor might decrease your gliclizide or insulin, or possibly both. Let us know how it goes, and try not to worry, it really is unusual to drop so suddenly and to such an extent, especially when you are on a basal insulin only, like lantus (although I have had a couple of surprises shortly after injecting my lantus!)

How long after your injection did it happen?
Thanx Northerner you are soooo right about this 'ere site, don't know how I'd cope without it!
Anywho, hypo happened about 15 mins after injection, seemed a bit quick to me, coz I thought it was a long acting Insulin? But I could be wrong.

Thanx Northerner you are soooo right about this 'ere site, don't know how I'd cope without it!
Anywho, hypo happened about 15 mins after injection, seemed a bit quick to me, coz I thought it was a long acting Insulin? But I could be wrong.


Shirl, this has happened to me twice, have a look at these:



Hasn't happened since, thank goodness, but yours sounds similar - very unlucky to get something like that! 😱
Hi Northerner, this D thing is really pooh! There seems to be no rhyme or reason for these things happenin does there? Ah well learning curve I won't forget in a hurry !! LOL 🙂

If I don't laugh think I'd cry . . . . . . . . . .
hugs shirl xxxx NOT FAIR !!!! and i dont want to play either ...great line to the paras ....big big hugs cos i cant do anything else to help xx🙂
Thanx AM, shame I can't really remember wot I said to paras but I had them laughin, or so I'm told! Am bit shakey today and am bit scared of doing anything but that should pass.

Thanks for the hugs too, they made me smile 🙂 sometimes its not what other people can do, its that you know there are others who understand how you feel.

Virtual hug for u too, take care, lv shirl
Update on hypo

Just heard frm DSN she was really shocked had such a bad hypo 😱 She said Lantus shouldn't have worked that quickly! Anywho, she has suggested that I stop taking Gliclizide altogether and drop Lantus to 18u for the time being and not to worry if bs goes up again. Got to ring her in the morning just to let her know how I am.

Thanks for support guys, take care, shirl
Soz to ask....do type 2 have hypos?? Im a taxi driver (private hire) and sometimes i drive long distance at short notice.....are there any sympstoms i should look out 4??? I still have a week to go b4 my 1st appointment with the nurse who will hopefully tell me all there is about diabetes?? hope you feel better soon shirl 🙂
Soz to ask....do type 2 have hypos?? Im a taxi driver (private hire) and sometimes i drive long distance at short notice.....are there any sympstoms i should look out 4??? I still have a week to go b4 my 1st appointment with the nurse who will hopefully tell me all there is about diabetes?? hope you feel better soon shirl 🙂

Type 2's have hypos, but you usually only get them if you are on insulin or tablets like Gliclizide.

If you are on insulin or gliclazide (or anything similar), you really should have been given advice regarding driving.

I'm not a driver and so am not too clear as to the rules, but for safety (not just your own) you should be clear about them. Either contact the DVLA (I believe that they should be informed if you are on insulin anyway) or your surgery.

Hopefully, others can clarify the situation better than I.

Im only on metformin, my dad is type 2 and controls his by diet only and he still drives, thanx for the info 🙂
Sorry Scoot, hope I didn't worry you!
I am T2 and am on Metformin, and Lantus Insulin. Was also on Gliclizide but Nurse says to stop it for now coz she thinks the Gliclizide and Lantus are working too well! Ya just can't win. LOL
Anyway just feel a bit rough round the edges today and have headache, thanks.
Hope all goes well when u visit your nurse, let us know what she says.
Take care, Shirl
Im only on metformin, my dad is type 2 and controls his by diet only and he still drives, thanx for the info 🙂

The risk of a hypo is not so great with metformin (I understand that it is no greater than for normal people), so there is no impact on driving.

Andy 🙂

Thanx shirl just concerned on what i find out on here lol Dr's time was limited to 10 minutes so he told me what he could...cant wait to see what the nurse has to say in appt as i have found out loads on here (thank you forum) :D

Ps i think water is good fer headaches & tc 🙂
The risk of a hypo is not so great with metformin (I understand that it is no greater than for normal people), so there is no impact on driving.

Andy 🙂
Thanx andy you never know till you ask on here lol
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