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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
sorry to bother everyone just need some help i have just had a hypo about half an hour ago and my blood sugar was 3.6 not too bad i know i have had lower, but i had some orange juice and made some crackers with butter on i was just about to eat them i was laid down at time and i could hear my husband calling me and touching me but i couldn't move for quite a few minutes eventually he managed to give me some lucozade and eventually came round could my blood sugar ahve sropped further in the meantime? sorry to sound thick but only been diagnosed about 15 months and i am very frightened. will i be ok? thank you for listening i hate being diabetic!!
a lot of people use the 15 rule - when low, have 15g carbs, then check again after 15 mins. if still low (you can decide when this is - e.g. at 4, or 4.5 etc) haven't risen or keep falling, another 15g carbs then retest. in theory this should bring you up, but obviously seek further help if you are still low after a long period of time.

karen, you don't sound 'thick' so please don't worry!!

what are your levels now? you will be absolutely fine (and probably shaken up!) as long as those numbers come back up 🙂
Hi Karen, I've had probably three hypos that have really scared me, where the levels still fall even after treating it - that's over a period of two years. Can't explain why it happens, but (in my experience) it is rare to have hypos like this - I've had 250+ readings below 4.0 over the past year, but only these three have really frightened me. Shiv has given good advice, although it can seem to be a long time to wait 15 minutes to see if your levels are rising!

Hope you are feeling better now.

Sorry this happened. One thing that leaps right out at me is the orange juice. I know lots of adults do have juice to deal with hypos but it is not the best thing for many. If you find it works great but in this instance it didn't. Lucozade or coke are the best by far for all and maybe you are one of those people that juice is not the best. Maybe you should try lucozade or full sugar coke instead. Just a suggestion.

Also following the 15 min rule is fab advice. If you eat a slow acting carb before your levels are up then it will slow down the absorption rate of the quick acting thereby slowing down your recovery from a hypo.

One thing that leaps right out at me is the orange juice. I know lots of adults do have juice to deal with hypos but it is not the best thing for many. If you find it works great but in this instance it didn't. Lucozade or coke are the best by far for all and maybe you are one of those people that juice is not the best. Maybe you should try lucozade or full sugar coke instead. Just a suggestion.

quick q Adrienne - juice works fine for me, but out of curiosity, with lucozade and coke do you have a system that allows you to keep it stored in 150ml/200ml containers or something similar? for me it's much easier having the 200ml containers of juice because i know that i can't go way overboard and drink like a litre of the stuff. just curious.
Hiya Shiv

The coke is excellent as you can buy the small 150 ml party cans in boxes of 12 or individually. All supermarkets sell them and you will find them with the mixers ie Tonic water etc. There is 15 carbs per can so I carry two with me at all times for Jessica.

The bottles of lucozade are more awkward. You can get the 330ml small ish bottles and maybe decant some out so they are not as heavy but everyone I know just carries the 330ml bottle with them. No reason you can't put it into a small bottle though.
Hiya Shiv

The coke is excellent as you can buy the small 150 ml party cans in boxes of 12 or individually. All supermarkets sell them and you will find them with the mixers ie Tonic water etc. There is 15 carbs per can so I carry two with me at all times for Jessica.

The bottles of lucozade are more awkward. You can get the 330ml small ish bottles and maybe decant some out so they are not as heavy but everyone I know just carries the 330ml bottle with them. No reason you can't put it into a small bottle though.

i totally forgot about the little cans! i don't trust myself with a big 330ml bottle of lucozade - i'm one of those who tries to eat/drink everything i can when i'm low, especially at night time - so having a controlled amount is very beneficial!

Sorry this happened. One thing that leaps right out at me is the orange juice. I know lots of adults do have juice to deal with hypos but it is not the best thing for many. If you find it works great but in this instance it didn't. Lucozade or coke are the best by far for all and maybe you are one of those people that juice is not the best. Maybe you should try lucozade or full sugar coke instead. Just a suggestion.

Also following the 15 min rule is fab advice. If you eat a slow acting carb before your levels are up then it will slow down the absorption rate of the quick acting thereby slowing down your recovery from a hypo.


I can only use orange juice if it's a high hypo otherwise it doesn't work quickly enough and i end up having a longer hypo so I usually just stick to coke. It's funny how juice works for some but not for others x

thank you all for your support sorry i didn't reply last night i just went to bed cos i felt so rough my blood sugar came up to 8.8 so i felt ok afterwards. today my sugars ar up a little and i have a banging head so just going to chill out before going to work tonight. thank you all once again x
I had a horrid hypo to last night too, my bs had been a little high before tea, and we where having a big roast dinner so I upped my insulin by 2 units which is usually ok.
Then I had a hypo, it was 2.5ish I had some coke in a children?s cup we have just for hypos and some custard creams, I waited the 15 mins like always and i still felt funny so i tested again and it was 4 something but still felt low so had some more custard creams.
When I went to bed it was 6.6 so all good.
Sometimes they do last forever and like you say you then eat/drink to much and end up with a high bs.
You just have to not worry about it the more you panic the lower it will go.
At least you had some warning the worse ones are the ones you dont notice, because if other people dont it can be dangerous.
Oh and try to to hate your diabetes.
It does suck but if your not happy with it, it will seem a lot harder.
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