Hypo treatment before meal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If i have an minor hypo before a meal.. say 3.8, would i still have 4 lucozade tablets before, or omit luzozade and just eat the meal first then inject and take a couple of units off? .. or if i feel shakey with the hypo do i have 4 lucozade which is the same as approx 15 carbs then eat meal and inject after- but do i count the lucozade carbs into meal or do i take a couple of units off as well?? hope that makes sense? xx
Makes perfect sense and really depends on wether you feel you need to treat straight away..........

If you can manage to wait just take a unit off and inject after, if you need to treat it, carry on as normal and inject the normal amount, after meal to be safe.....

You wouldnt count the hypo treatment into the meal as you need that carbohydrate, uncovered, to bring you back into safe targets.......
Makes perfect sense and really depends on wether you feel you need to treat straight away..........

If you can manage to wait just take a unit off and inject after, if you need to treat it, carry on as normal and inject the normal amount, after meal to be safe.....

You wouldnt count the hypo treatment into the meal as you need that carbohydrate, uncovered, to bring you back into safe targets.......

Thanks alot - i always wondered if i counted the hypo carb treatment into the meals, now i know! xx
Simple supply and demand of carbs............🙂
If under 4 - always treat as a hypo and take fast acting glucose. If you eat food it could mean that the food doesnt absorb quickly enough and you could go down further. Once you have treated and you have re-tested (15/15 rule) - then it is safe to eat your food. Inject after you have eaten to be on the safe side. Dont count the hypo treatment as carbs requiring insulin.

The 15/15 rule is - take 15 carbs and re-test in 15 minutes.🙂Bev
Had to do this recently. tested 3.x just before meal so had a jelly baby and tucked in. You get used to the sweet and savoury combo in time. 🙄

I know this is going slightly off the subject, but if i was in the 4's before a meal, would you inject after meal or would you take one unit off ? especially if you were having something low carb or fatty coz doesnt this take longer?
I know this is going slightly off the subject, but if i was in the 4's before a meal, would you inject after meal or would you take one unit off ? especially if you were having something low carb or fatty coz doesnt this take longer?

Up to you really - personally I would inject after as I would want the carbs to get a head start. But that's just me.
This dilemma has caught me out once too often in the past, and now I check my bg 15-30 mins before eating so I can take fast acting glucose in advance of my meal should I have a low reading. At 3.8 I would have had 2 lucozade tabs and waited at least 5 mins before I ate my meal and injected the normal insulin dose after. Taking the glucose first and then eating straight away may delay the effect of the glucose hitting your system, more so if the meal had a high fat content, so waiting a little while is always advisable. Toby.
This dilemma has caught me out once too often in the past, and now I check my bg 15-30 mins before eating so I can take fast acting glucose in advance of my meal should I have a low reading. At 3.8 I would have had 2 lucozade tabs and waited at least 5 mins before I ate my meal and injected the normal insulin dose after. Taking the glucose first and then eating straight away may delay the effect of the glucose hitting your system, more so if the meal had a high fat content, so waiting a little while is always advisable. Toby.

Thanks Toby - thats does help loads.. sometimes you have so many rules to remember with diabetes control my mind just goes blank, and i cant think what to do lol x
This dilemma has caught me out once too often in the past, and now I check my bg 15-30 mins before eating so I can take fast acting glucose in advance of my meal should I have a low reading.

I'm with Toby. Testing 15-30 minutes before is very helpful. Gives a chance for a little sugary something if low, and if the reading is a little high I can give my bolus a bit of a head start (depending on the meal) which helps squash the subsequent spike.

This has happened to me a couple of times. I am usually so hungry and impatient with a plate of food in front of me that if I am 3.8ish then I just tuck in and inject after eating with a correction. Probably not the best advice though!
I usually just take a swig of lucozade then have my tea as normal then inject when i have finished, but i always do that because i dont always eat it all etc 😉
well my pre dinner glucose this evening was...... 3.8! It didn't take me long to decide that eating my meal was a more attractive option than a packet of dextrose tablets, and I had an excuse to have seconds..🙂
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