Hypo sneaked up on me

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a right time of it when I got home from work. I'd been out with work the night before, had a curry and few glasses of wine (don't normally drink), felt rough at work all day.

When I got home took my bags upstaris and emptied them and when I went down stairs I was nearly on my knees shaking like a leaf. No previous signs or warning. I managed to test and was at 3.6 and then I paniced hubby was not going to be home for 15 minutes.

I did however manage to just drag myself into the kitchen and grab some orange juice - had a small glass and still felt really bad and then had some more by which time hubby came in and took over for me. I felt rotten all eveining after that.

Does alcohol play a part in Hypo's or was it just one of them things.
I find I always miss the start of the hypo signs when I've had a drink because I think that I'm just merry but then it gets worse and I realise I shouldn't be this drunk already. I usually try and check my blood sugar's more when I've been drinking. It was good that your husband was there to take over. I find that hypo's are more prone to happen when you've had a bit to drink x
Hi Dizzy sorry to hear about your hypo sounds scary, i dont drink so cant help on your queary, but hope you are feeling better hun xx
yes, alcohol definitely does! alcohol lowers your blood glucose levels, as your liver is so busy processing the alcohol it can't chuck you out some glucose when you need it. if i have a drink or two, i keep an eye on my levels for the next 24 hrs and will eat something small and carby when i get in to prevent the drop.
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