Hypo Rage :0(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi ppl, have missed this place this week!! Have been at the DUK Conference in Liverpool...

Anyway have had about 8 hypos in less than 3 days, and am feeling really angry about it!!!!! Not really sure why they are happening, and have been too busy working to give it decent attention, hopefully now I'm home I can sort it but I just feel sooooooo rubbish and run down by poxy hypos...

Hope you are all well....x
Hi Shelly

Missed you too! Alots gone on in your absence!

Hope you feel better soon hun


Its the weather! Alex has had 15 hypos from monday to friday and so have lots of the other children on the childrens forum! We all think its the spring weather and the feelings of excitement etc..😡

Somone from the other forum went to the thing in Liverpool - was it any good?🙂Bev
Hey Shelley - hope you can have a lazy weekend and start to feel better soon

Was the conference good? ANything that would be of interest to us lot?
Hi all...

Aww bless ya Lou, anyone wanna catch me up? Tried to read all but too much to read heheheh...hows DIDKA?

Conference was ace, saw new products and went and looked at all the new pumps and meters etc...nothing major to report really that I can think of atm...will post again if I suddenly think of something...

Wow so its not just me for the hypo train, have had 3 today and at least 12 or so this week...grrrrrrr!!!

Got these for poppy (link to my facebook photo alb)


Good to be back in the forum :D
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