Hypo & Police Check

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I am hoping (though I suppose its a long shot!) that someone on the forum can help me with me question.

About 2 years ago - I was living at home with my parents briefly and had a hypo early in the morning, my mum (who is one of the world's biggest over reactors to anything and everything) called the police as I'd shouted at her and pushed past her to go back in my room to have some jelly babies!

The police turned up - spoke to me and i explained everything, I was fine then and was fine mins after everything happened.
I am a teacher - and am starting a new job which requires a new DBS check - will this incident show up (it'll be an enhanced DBS check)?

I wasn't arrested, warned, cautioned etc. But Im assuming it'd still be on the records they visited the house etc? I am worried it will be and my new employer will see it?

any clarification or help would be greatly appreciated - and put my mind at ease!

I doubt that it will show up, but I am no expert so you could call the DUK careline who will be able to answer or find out.

Good luck from a retired teacher.
I highly doubt it would be flagged up. You were neither charged or prosecuted for what seems classed as a call out to a “domestic.” Your employers may feel it inappropriate to even bring this up if it was to come to light?
I doubt that will show up. The enhanced checks are mainly looking for paedophiles and others who might pose a risk to children. As you weren’t charged or cautioned, I can’t see it showing up.
thanks for your replies - I have had several dbs checks before from being a teacher and am just concernced something like this (even though being a 'domestic') might show up - nothing happened of it the police just left and Ive never spoken to the police every before or after (bloody hell I wont even cross the road until the man turns green haha) but maybe I am thinking of the worst maybe?
Hi @Holyfire82 , call outs of this manner won't appear on the DBS check. To quote the government website: 'The certificate may also contain non-conviction information supplied by relevant police forces, if it is deemed relevant and ought to be contained in the certificate.' Relevant information in this instance would be the type that relates to children, vulnerable adults etc., which in your case - it is not. Basic call outs that don't result in further actions, while would appear in police records, wouldn't be flagged up by DBS checks if there aren't any other 'red flags' resulting from the incident (such as concerns relating to those 'vulnerable groups').
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