Hypo or Lowpo?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

I thought I would share this with you as it made me laugh & I think we can all do with one of them!
My 8 year old daughter asked me yesterday after I had a really low Hypo "Mummy.......Why is it called a Hypo when you are low? It should be called a Lowpo!!!" :confused::confused::confused:
Out of the mouths of babes ay!

Genius! would save a lot of confusion trying to tell people the difference between hypo and hyper when youre in the middle of one and cant even remember your own name!
The Things They Say

Yeah top draw stuff, one of the things a child said in my school the other day was "my mum has had a blood confusion." :D I had to leave the room i wanted to laugh that much !!!! BLESS HIS LITTLE COTTON SOCKS.
awh bless that's so sweet, you never know if we all start calling it that we might be able to set a trend!!
Kids are amazing creatures, lowpo makes a whole lot of sense, as does blood confusion.When I use my puncture kit my little fella always says does it hurt? Get 'em young and it will hold no fear if they are unlucky and it gets them when they get older.

Kids are amazing, there was a thread on here not so long ago about teaching kids about how to inject and the like, i commented that mine had come to my first appointment as i wanted them to know everything, well boy am i glad they did, i had a hypo yesterday and split burning hot liquid all over my hands, i got it in cold water in time for no blisters but they pain was awful and i couldn't inject, luckily my 12 yr old lad had been there and knew exactly what to do and saved my bacon and then again injecting my novomix at tea time, he was so proud and so was i and i went and bought him some ds games today, he told his friends he had 'jected me with white stuff cause i went wobbly and burnt myself' it sounded bad afterwards when i thought about it and what other people probably thought the white stuff was but god i love him so much :D
kids a re pretty amazing, and I count myself lucky in having a great family.

Where ever possible kids should be included. They don't always understand but can often do things when we need them or least expect it. We read in the papers all the time about the kids that have saved mum or dads life because they did the right thing at the right time.

Can I nominate all of our wonderfull children as heros and heroins?!
Things They Say !!!!!!!!!

Yes Caroline i agree, i have 3 grand kids and the youngest (4 yrs old) looks like the rabbit trapped in the headlights when i inject. He also can't wait to tell people that grandad might "have to go away and stick a needle in hinself". Do i get some funny looks until i've explained what it's all about and even then i think my grandson understands more than some adults about diabetes :D :D
All your kids sound amazing. Kids are great. I havent got any of my own yet and hopefully not for ages, but i still enjoy other peoples. They are so funny.
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