Hypo last night - 1.8 !!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

After doing reasonably well the past few weeks I had my worst hypo in a long time last night.

On Saturday I was out on a Stag doo to an outdoor activity center so lots of physical activity and then out drinking at night. Had a pretty normal day yesterday. BG was slightly high in the morning (11 due to vodka redbull!) But was fine at lunchtime. Had soup & 2 slices of toast for super and BG was 11, took 4 units (3+1 for correction) to cover toast and bring me down a little.

Went to bed at 22:30 and woke at 00:30 knowing something was really wrong. I usually wake if my BG goes below 3.5-4 with mild sweat and shakes, but last night I was very sweaty (sorry if TMI) and a really bad headache. Got downstairs and tested and was 1.8.

Took my usual 200ml fruit juice (rapid carbs) and ate 3 digestives. Tested 10mins later and was up to 3.5 so headed back to bed with another 200ml juice in case I needed it (but I didn't). Woke this morning at 9am with BG at 8.1

No idea what went wrong. Maybe the previous days exercise catching up with me. Think I'm going to have the fuzzy hangover feeling all day today :(

I'm wondering if it was the exercise which would have depleted your muscle glycogen, but then the alcohol meant your liver couldn't release glucose to replenish the lost glycogen, so everything got delayed until last night? Exercise affects me for up to 40 hours.
Eeeek poor you !! I hate the really low ones :( I get quite a few 1+'s usually for no apparent reason ! Don't you have a Glucose Meter by the bed for in the night? I would never attempt stairs whilst hypo unless there was no alternative !
I always keep a stock of hypo treatments next to the bed for night time hypos. Take care today , and keep a close eye on your levels. 🙂
I hope you're feeling better.

Must admit I don't keep puncture kit or hypo treatment by bed because from time to time we get mice in (OK, I can keep it in a box). Hubby is quite a light sleeper and always knows when I get up for anything other than use the bathroom.
I hope you're feeling better.

Must admit I don't keep puncture kit or hypo treatment by bed because from time to time we get mice in (OK, I can keep it in a box). Hubby is quite a light sleeper and always knows when I get up for anything other than use the bathroom.

Good point about Mice , my neighbour has had one giving her the run around for a week !! I've set traps for her again now .I usually use Lemon Lucozade for hypos and have biscuits in a tupperware box just in case , plus as I live alone I always have a glucose meter and phone by my bed :D
Think I will have to get organised with things by the bed in a little box. I always keep a torch for emergencies there.
Always have monitor on my bedside table so i can get to it semi conscious and a packet of digestives in my drawer.

I was always told when drinking lots of alcohol to be really careful for at least 24hrs after. And not to be to strong with the corrections. I know i wake up hypo after drinking wine so take something before bed to avoid it. Excercise also hits me about 24hrs after so it was probably a combo of the two.

Hope youre not feeling too yuck today. Night hypos are horrible, sometimes i feel like ive got a full blown hangover . .with out the fun!


Does anyone use the Dextrose (glucose tablets)??. When iv'e had hypos about 3 does the trick.

If you had a can of coke or small bottle of lucozade would you have maybe half a can/ bottle??

Told you i'd ask loads of questions!!

Does anyone use the Dextrose (glucose tablets)??. When iv'e had hypos about 3 does the trick.

If you had a can of coke or small bottle of lucozade would you have maybe half a can/ bottle??

Told you i'd ask loads of questions!!

It depends how low you are , usually 2/3 Glucose Tablets or 3 Jelly Babies will be enough , or a small glass of Lucozade , Full Sugar Coke , or Fruit juice. Every Hypo is different though and some will take more or less fast acting to sort out.
Remember to have some slow release Carbs as a back up to the fast acting Glucose , or a meal if its due.
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