hypo/hyper blood test 'flow'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Okay, I hope this isn't too weird... But several times we've noticed (well, my son has noticed) that when he's low he seems to have more difficulty getting a blood drop... I've watched him carefully, and he's NOT shaking often, doing everything as before, but not able to bleed. To the point where he now says 'I must be low, I'm having trouble bleeding...'. Yesterday morning he tried 6 times! And he was actually very low, had just been dreaming he was having a hypo...

When high, bleeding is never a problem it seems...So just when we are thinking hmm need to change the pricker level, it seems okay again...

I've heard long-term T1s say that they can 'tell' by the way blood flows whether they are high or low (though I assume they can't tell *exactly* where the level is, or no need for a test of course..).

What do people think about this?
The only thing I've noticed as my bloods come down into the acceptable range is the blood is lighter coloured and thinner than it was. I have been low a few times but wasn't in any state to notice if I had a hard time getting blood. If I remember next time I hypo I'll make a note and let you know.
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