Hypo help

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Actually getting super fed up of hypos the last couple of days.

Had 2 yesterday after breakfast and again after lunch.

Thought today was going better as no breakfast hypo.

Did have one after lunch though and now just got home and somehow have managed to have another one!

Not even sure how. Got to my car and realised I was low so had some dextros, waited and drove as you’re supposed to. Then just got home and felt funny and yet again, another hypo. It seems I have had a spike and then a crash!

Idk what’s going on these last couple of days but all my usual ratios just seem to not agree with me. I’ve lowered them further but even that’s not really working.

Any suggestions or ideas as to what might be happening much appreciated.

Thank you 🙂
Might be time to do some basal testing, if your basal is wrong then nothing else works either. The weather is warming up so maybe that is having an effect on your insulin requirements, it used to be just like that for my daughter that we’d have to reduce all her doses in the spring and then put them back up again in the autumn, less obvious now though.
Might be time to do some basal testing, if your basal is wrong then nothing else works either. The weather is warming up so maybe that is having an effect on your insulin requirements, it used to be just like that for my daughter that we’d have to reduce all her doses in the spring and then put them back up again in the autumn, less obvious now though.

Thanks for your message.

That’s a good point thank you. Only thing is though that at my last appointment my consultant said I could probably afford to drop the basal by 1 unit and I’m on a very small amount as it it.

So yes I definitely think that’s a possibility, just very strange as I was doing very well and at one stage a month or 2 ago I was only having a hypo about every 10-14 days! Now it’s 2 a day and my graph looks like a rollercoaster, dips into the red, big spikes well out of the green, it’s such a mess!
Hi. I assume you are carb-counting your Bolus injections. I have found recently that all my usual injection points are suffering lipohypertrophy i.e. hardened flesh layer. Using new injection points my BS control is vastly improved and I'm using much less insulin.
Hi. I assume you are carb-counting your Bolus injections. I have found recently that all my usual injection points are suffering lipohypertrophy i.e. hardened flesh layer. Using new injection points my BS control is vastly improved and I'm using much less insulin.

I do carb count yes. That’s a point thank you. I am a bit guilty of using the same spots because they hurt less than other places but I know that’s not a good thing to do. Think I deffo need to rotate more!
If it is any consolation, I had 7 hypos in one day last May. It followed a period of needing to increase my basal insulin over a period of several months resulting in an almost 100% increase. I knew there would come a day when I dropped off a cliff edge after weeks of being high and sure enough it happened. 2 in a day isn't desperately uncommon for me (I average just under 1 a day over 90 days) but some days I have none and some days multiples. If I wasn't on Levemir, I am pretty sure I would have a lot more! These days they are just an inconvenience rather than making me feel ill.
Only thing is though that at my last appointment my consultant said I could probably afford to drop the basal by 1 unit and I’m on a very small amount as it it.
What's the issue with that? For a long time after my diagnosis I only required 1 unit of basal xx
It could be that you have bolus insulin on board which is allowing your BG to rise then crash . But do look at basal testing as that may be the issue
What are your insulins? What activity (or exercise) have you done since (& including) Monday. Was that activity out of the ordinary?
Does sound as if it's your basal you need to drop 🙂
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