Hypo "Hangover"

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I have noticed in a lot of the treads the Hypo "Hangover" is mentioned. I've always assumed that after treatment you'd go back to being ok. In another thread someone said her bones feel like lead.

So I just wanted to know how others feel after a particularly long hypo (timewise long). I will also have to ask C, how she feels and I will post her answer here later.

Thanks :confused:
I have noticed in a lot of the treads the Hypo "Hangover" is mentioned. I've always assumed that after treatment you'd go back to being ok. In another thread someone said her bones feel like lead.

So I just wanted to know how others feel after a particularly long hypo (timewise long). I will also have to ask C, how she feels and I will post her answer here later.

Thanks :confused:

The hangover is often described as a normal hangover - headache and feeling very lousy. The body doesn't like not having glucose in its system, and then hitting it with so much glucose is obviously going to put the body under a lot of strain.

I tend to only get them after big big hypos, and overnight ones I wake up with a "hangover"
I have just asked C, how she felt.

After a "normal" hypo, she says she feels fine.
After a "looooong" hypo, she says she feels tired and groggy for a while.

I can't know how it feels, because I have never been hungover, as I don't drink. 😉 Maybe I should try it, or maybe not!!!
I usually get that feeling when I've had a hypo in the night or if I have several in one day it really takes it out of me.

I just feel really tired and sometimes feel a bit sick x
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