hypo fits?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I thought id post this topic as have always been curious if it was actually a normal thing to experience....

During the night (thankfully Grace was at her aunties staying) I had an unconcious hypo which I dont have a memory of, from what colin tells me he woke up to find me "thrashing" around the bed absoulutely Drenched with sweat he thought I was having a seizure, at this point he went down the stairs to fetch the glucagon, he said all heard next was a massive thump.
He run back up and said I was on the floor and my bedside unit was upturned.😱
He must of gave me the jab and I eventually came to... so I had some juice and a bit of chocolate to be safe then went back to sleep...
When I woke up I had 2 inflamed grazes on my neck (I guess I hit the table as I fell) and have had a really sore back all day lol

Dont understand it as I went to bed on 5.9 :confused:

Do any of you guys get these kind of hypos, I am so glad I dont live alone sometimes!! 😱
Hi Lou hun my OH had an ex who suffered bad with these episodes as she was aLso epileptic it could get quite hairy, I will ask him to come in on the thread if you dont mind cause he knows quite alot about these, All i can say is from what he told me it can be a very scary thing.
Oh dear😱 I can't say that has ever happened to me before but then I have only been diagnosed 2 years. Colin must have been quite scared, hope your not feeling too sore after the fall. Have you mentioned it to your dsn about them? xxx
Lou that sounds scary, glad Colin was there to help. O have never had a hypo like that but I have a friend who has in the past. He has not had one for a while now though
That sounds awful Lou, hope you are better now. Ive never had anything like that thank goodness (touch wood- I live alone) but I think its something you should defo raise with your Dr or DSN whoever you see next.

Hope you feel recovered xx
Sounds bad, I'm glad you had someone with you and were able to get help when you needed it most. I hope all is well now.
Sounds very scary, glad to hear you had someone there to help you are essentially ok now.
Had you eaten late or corrected before bed and so gone to bed with some active fast acting insulin? If so then the 5.9 might have not been enough to see you through the night.
I suggest that you check your blood sugar during the night for the next few nights, will mean setting an alarm for 2-3am just to check you are not dropping low.
Around 18 months ago it was suspected that I was dropping low overnight but not picking it up and waking up to treat. I had a CGMS for 3 days which actually showed that I wasn't. Might be useful for you to ask about.
Hi Lou,
My son has had two seizures due to hypos,hes been diabetic for 7 years so I suppose thats not too bad ! They were the most scary thing I have seen, and I must admit it knocked me for a while, never mind him,(although he said it was prob worse to see it ). He doesnt remember a thing about them,(the last one was a couple of months ago), but when he went to clinic, although his dsn said they were obviously dangerous, she didnt offer him a CGM (dont think hed have one anyway)
Sounds very scary, glad to hear you had someone there to help you are essentially ok now.
Had you eaten late or corrected before bed and so gone to bed with some active fast acting insulin? If so then the 5.9 might have not been enough to see you through the night.
I suggest that you check your blood sugar during the night for the next few nights, will mean setting an alarm for 2-3am just to check you are not dropping low.
Around 18 months ago it was suspected that I was dropping low overnight but not picking it up and waking up to treat. I had a CGMS for 3 days which actually showed that I wasn't. Might be useful for you to ask about.

I agree with everything Sofaraway has said, especially the 3am check. If I am going to check Alex I always do it at this time as its more likely to drop at this time. Dont forget that if you have had a very low low then you are likely to have another in the next 24 hours - so you need to run yourself higher for that time as your liver needs time to recover. I do hope your feeling better now and hope you never have another one of these as its sounds very scary. Well done Colin!🙂Bev
The last one I had was a good 7 months ago when we needed paramedics 😱It has happened maybe 15 times in my 21 yrs of D. I just thought it was normal to go like that if it was very low, it must of been around 3 am when it happened as when I was aware of myself again it was about 4.
I generally dont take insulin after my last meal of the night as I dont eat after that.
my neck looks quite bad still lol and my back is really sore between my shoulder blades 🙄

I think I might mention it to the clinic though as even one a year is not an option for me now with having the little one (colin is great though, he always knows what to do 😉)

Thanks for your replies xxx
yeah i used to have these kinda hypos all the time, although it did turn out to be a very basic form of epilepsy in the end!
but at the time i thought they were hypos, until i eventually went to the doctor.

worse one was when i had one in middle night, rolled out my bed somehow & spent the night on floor with my arm on the radiator! got a bad scar from that one! i havent had a hypo with a fit for 5 yrs + now though.
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