Hypo before tea - hope I've treated it the right way

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good job I tested several minutes before tea because I was 3.7 at 19:15pm
1 - Had 4x dextrose tablets
2 - Set timer for 15 minutes
3 - Tested when the 15 minutes was up and was 4.4 so back to a non hypo level
4 - Ate tea
5 - Entered 4.4 bgl from before I started eating into MySugr along with 78g of carbs and did 7.0 units of humalog - there was no correction advised but if there was I would've dismissed it.

If you’re eating after a hypo you don’t need to take correction insulin so your bg before the meal isn’t needed. Just bolus for the carbs.
If I'd just entered the carbs into MySugr it would've told me to inject for 8.0 units of insulin
Bolus calculator would probably have told you to take 0.5 off because you were low, I think you did right to take a bit more off though! Well done, see you can do it, have a bit more faith in yourself 🙂
Good job I tested several minutes before tea because I was 3.7 at 19:15pm
1 - Had 4x dextrose tablets
2 - Set timer for 15 minutes
3 - Tested when the 15 minutes was up and was 4.4 so back to a non hypo level
4 - Ate tea
5 - Entered 4.4 bgl from before I started eating into MySugr along with 78g of carbs and did 7.0 units of humalog - there was no correction advised but if there was I would've dismissed it.

If I'd just entered the carbs into MySugr it would've told me to inject for 8.0 units of insulin
It wouldn’t have said 8units as you would have taken some of the carbs off instead of having a slow acting snack
Bolus calculator would probably have told you to take 0.5 off because you were low, I think you did right to take a bit more off though! Well done, see you can do it, have a bit more faith in yourself 🙂
You're right it told me to take -0.5 off, I didn't take any more off - I had 78g of carbs in the meal and when I entered the bgl then 78g carbs it advised 7.0 units. Should I have taken maybe 2.0 units off or left it at 7.0 units?
It wouldn’t have said 8units as you would have taken some of the carbs off instead of having a slow acting snack
When I entered the 78g carbs on its own it definitely advised 8.0 units then when I also entered the 4.4 bgl it then advised 7.0 units. Why would I have taken some of the carbs off? Instead of having a slow acting snack I had my meal which was 78g carbs.
When I entered the 78g carbs on its own it definitely advised 8.0 units then when I also entered the 4.4 bgl it then advised 7.0 units. Why would I have taken some of the carbs off? Instead of having a slow acting snack I had my meal which was 78g carbs.
You normally have a snack of about 15g slow carbs without insulin after a hypo, so you wouldn’t bolus for that part of your meal
You normally have a snack of about 15g slow carbs without insulin after a hypo, so you wouldn’t bolus for that part of your meal
I had 15g of fast acting carbs to bring my bgl back up then waited 15 minutes then tested again and it was back to its normal level so I had my meal - I thought you should only have a snack if your meal isn't due. I didn't know you should have a snack and your meal.

So here it says about the 15 to 20g snack then in the part I've circled it says "or it could be your next meal if it's due" which mine was
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The after hypo snack is usually 10-15g of unbolused slow release carbs though, so if you are having a meal instead, it would make sense not to bolus for 10-15g carbs of that meal.
The after hypo snack is usually 10-15g of unbolused slow release carbs though, so if you are having a meal instead, it would make sense not to bolus for 10-15g carbs of that meal.
Thank you @rebrascora so instead of entering 78g into the bolus advisor which was in my meal I should've entered 68-63g of carbs which would've given me a lower bolus amount

So this now makes sense as to why at bedtime 00:31am I'm hypo again at 3.9 - so I've treated myself to 4 delicious orange flavour dextrose tablets and I will keep repeating the treatment until I am back to a normal level then go and get 2 bags of mini choc chip cookies 26g carbs altogether - I won't bolus for them
15 minutes after the 3.9 hypo and treating I was 5.4 at 00:57am - I then had 26g of mini choc chip cookies and no bolus.
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