hypo at work

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey everyone, hope you all had a lovely christmas & new year 🙂

just a question about my basal rates & carb ratio at bfast.

Atm Im still on 1:1 at all meal times as im still trying to get my basal rates right. Now my main problem is when im at work. I usually start work about 10am or 11am.

My basal rate is 0.5 from 9am-12pm then 0.4 from 12pm to 8pm.

i always seem to have a hypo around 11am or 12pm at work.

I have tryed all different temp basal rates and now im on 25% which is 0.150 then 0.125. Now this is tiny amounts, do you think this could still be too high??

I then thought maybe its my bfast ratio so i went from 1:10g to half a unit of 10g and i tryed that for two days and it managed to stop me from going hypo and kept me in single figures. Now i spoke to my dsn about it and she says i have to go back to 1:1 as my basal rate wont be right...

but im thinking can 0.125 really make you go hypo?? its practically no insulin lol im super confused.

i also start my temp basals about 1-2 hours before i start work and that doesnt even help.

eeeek its soo annoying as I know im gonna go hypo at work at that time!

anyway moan over lol any advice would be apprieciated 🙂 ta xx
Hello Litt0-miss-loz. You say your insulin/carb rate is 1.1. What do you mean?
Looking at what you are saying, I would be inclined to susppect that it's your carb ratio at breakfast is out...

But the only real way of telling is doing a basal fasting test, where you fast and take a bg every hour to see what's happening! better doing this on your day off though..

I would invest in Pumping insulin by John Walsh (the pumpers bible) this will give you a wealth of information about pumping and working out where control probs lay..

As to your DSN, if you feel she's barking at the wrong tree then you don't have to follow her instructions, she's there to help with information, suggestion etc but sometimes they aren't always right!
Loz - do what works for YOU. Even if your nurse says otherwise. You are your expert on your diabetes!

If changing your bolus ratio has worked then stick with it! Because of the interaction with bolus and basal insulin, you might find that you will need to keep tweaking one or the other until you get it working just right for you.

It annoys me so much when nurses like that want to make you stick to the book. Do what works for you! I have 2 different ratios for food throughout the day, and that's what works for me. I have 9 different basal rates! That's what works for me!

Stick with your instincts. You know yourself better than she does.

The only thing I would watch out for, when making such a big drop in ratio, is making sure you're not shooting up and then dropping back down into 'normal' range. If it were me, I'd change my ratios by smaller amounts - ie I am on 1u:8g for most of the day. Just a thought, not a suggestion!
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Looking at what you are saying, I would be inclined to susppect that it's your carb ratio at breakfast is out...

But the only real way of telling is doing a basal fasting test, where you fast and take a bg every hour to see what's happening! better doing this on your day off though..

I would invest in Pumping insulin by John Walsh (the pumpers bible) this will give you a wealth of information about pumping and working out where control probs lay..

As to your DSN, if you feel she's barking at the wrong tree then you don't have to follow her instructions, she's there to help with information, suggestion etc but sometimes they aren't always right!

Thanks 🙂 I think il try get this book 🙂 every bit of info helps 🙂
Im scared incase il get into trouble for changing anything and get it taken off me..
Loz - do what works for YOU. Even if your nurse says otherwise. You are your expert on your diabetes!

If changing your bolus ratio has worked then stick with it! Because of the interaction with bolus and basal insulin, you might find that you will need to keep tweaking one or the other until you get it working just right for you.

It annoys me so much when nurses like that want to make you stick to the book. Do what works for you! I have 2 different ratios for food throughout the day, and that's what works for me. I have 9 different basal rates! That's what works for me!

Stick with your instincts. You know yourself better than she does.

The only thing I would watch out for, when making such a big drop in ratio, is making sure you're not shooting up and then dropping back down into 'normal' range. If it were me, I'd change my ratios by smaller amounts - ie I am on 1u:8g for most of the day. Just a thought, not a suggestion!

Yh I just went down to half a unit per 10g cause i was so sick of the hypo every single day at work that i wanted to get rid of it quick!
I dont want to drop my temp basal any lower cause basically il be getting no insulin, so do you think it is to do with the bfast ratio??

thanks for all ur help everyone 🙂
Looking at what you are saying, I would be inclined to susppect that it's your carb ratio at breakfast is out...

But the only real way of telling is doing a basal fasting test, where you fast and take a bg every hour to see what's happening! better doing this on your day off though..

I would invest in Pumping insulin by John Walsh (the pumpers bible) this will give you a wealth of information about pumping and working out where control probs lay..

As to your DSN, if you feel she's barking at the wrong tree then you don't have to follow her instructions, she's there to help with information, suggestion etc but sometimes they aren't always right!

is it the book called pumping insulin??
Looking at what you are saying, I would be inclined to susppect that it's your carb ratio at breakfast is out...

But the only real way of telling is doing a basal fasting test, where you fast and take a bg every hour to see what's happening! better doing this on your day off though..

I would invest in Pumping insulin by John Walsh (the pumpers bible) this will give you a wealth of information about pumping and working out where control probs lay..

As to your DSN, if you feel she's barking at the wrong tree then you don't have to follow her instructions, she's there to help with information, suggestion etc but sometimes they aren't always right!

Tommorow im going to skip breakfast and see what my sugars are like up until about 1pm. So if my sugars stay in normal range does this mean it is my bfast ratio that needs to change?
Tommorow im going to skip breakfast and see what my sugars are like up until about 1pm. So if my sugars stay in normal range does this mean it is my bfast ratio that needs to change?

Yep, if you haven't eaten and your sugars are within range then that means your basal is about right. So it would be your insulin to carbs ratio that needs looking at.

Good luck!
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