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hypo at 5


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

Today at school, Alex felt 'hypo' - but when he tested he was 5 - he had 2 jelly babies to be on the safe side -so my question is - why would he feel the symptoms at 5? Bev
There's a coincidence! I felt a little 'low' just before I tested prior to my evening meal - and I was 4.9. Sometimes, if the meter reading seems wildly out with how I feel I will do another test, but I've found that occasionally you can feel as though you ought to be 3.0 when you aren't. Might just be down to other things - i.e. even non-diabetics get that feeling, maybe due to tiredness, headache etc. How severe were his symptoms?

Hope he feels OK now!
Hi Northerner,

What a coincidence! He said he felt a little shaky - like he normally would do if he was about 3ish. We have just on monday changed his ratio's to 1:15 1:20 1:15 - he was 1:20 for all three meals previous to this - do you think this may have a bearing on it? Bev
Could just be one of those things. I sometimes feel low and test and am ok -but its best to test to be sure. The other possibility is that if he is newly diagnosed (ish) and has been running with relatively high blood sugars for some time he may well feel hypo at something like 5 mmol. As blood sugars get more under control and become more "normal" this will lower.
Hi Northerner,

What a coincidence! He said he felt a little shaky - like he normally would do if he was about 3ish. We have just on monday changed his ratio's to 1:15 1:20 1:15 - he was 1:20 for all three meals previous to this - do you think this may have a bearing on it? Bev

I don't think changing his ratios would cause that feeling. Has he had any low readings recently, with more severe symptoms? I've found that, after having hypos I can feel 'low' when I'm not for most of the following day. I had a hypo last night (and the night before :(), so I've attributed today's 'mismatch' to that.
Sounds like Alex did just the right thing - felt a bit odd, tested, levels OK, but still took jelly babies to be on the safe side. So, do make sure he knows that.

Sometimes, a hypo feeling comes on when blood glucose levels are dropping quickly - which is good as it gives advance warning to take action. But equally, meters aren't too accurate - I usually consider that the "true" reading could actually be 1 higher or 1 lower.
Hi Bev,

I think its really good that he treated his symptoms despite the meter readings. Alex is obviously getting more confident with his diabetes and is learning to trust his judgement.

Ive had hypos at 5ish, usually after ive had a string if higher BGS beforehand. In my opinion hypo awareness is a better indicator than any meter!

Well done Alex!
Thanks all.

Alex had been very high the whole week before changing his ratio's. He was between 10 and 18 for most of that time - which is why we changed him to the new ratios. It would make sense that he 'feels' low when he is 5.I will tell him he did the right thing - as obviously as i am a non-diabetic i dont understand how he feels! Thanks all. Bev
most likely then that it was because he was lower than he was used to. How was he after the jelly babies? I sometimes get hypo symptoms when I'm dropping quickly so will 'feel' it before I become hypo.

Another well done to Alex from me!
Hi Aymes,

Thanks - it coincided with him finishing school for the day and when he got home (5 mins from school) he was starving and had a snack! Bev
Hi Bev

Alex seems to be taking this in his stride. I think sometimes we forget that emotionally youngsters mature so much younger now.
I tend to run high and a couple of times I have felt hypo symptoms at 6 and 7!!! but as I get used to a lower blood sugar that disappears. When the dr asked me if I had experienced any hypos at all, I told him what had happened and he said well its not classed as a hypo because its not under 4... but i still had to eat something to stop the hypo symptoms.
I sometimes feel hypo when the meter says I'm not. Usually it's because I haven't eaten for a while and feel hungry. Other times it is because of dropping from a high number and I'm feeling the drop on blood sugar. I think Alex did the right thing being at school. if it were me then I would wait and test again in 15 minutes to see if I am really dropping any further or not, and then can eat at that point if necesarry. But for safety i think he did the right thing.