Hypo and Injection Site

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Today I had what felt like a really bad hypo but my bs was 4.4, I am assuming it is because my BS has been running so high for weeks that made me feel so bad. My vision was blurred, hands shaking really bad, couldn't think straight ... unfortunately this also meant I was unsafe to drive so had to stay at work until I felt well enough.

At lunchtime I injected into my abdomen but quite high up due to problems with my lower abdomen and am now left with a bruise and very tender area where I injected. How high up your abdomen can you safely inject?

Am seeing DN tomorrow morning.
Injecting into tummy / abdomen - strictly speaking, abdomen extedns to your diaphragm, which is the layer of muscle that divides abdomen from chest, approximately at the bottom of your ribs. In practice, most people inject into lower abdomen, around or below tummy button / clothing waistband.

The injection does result in a bruise or painful spot - just bad luck really, if you hit a blood vessel (usually as small capillary) or a nerve, and even worse luck if you hit both at the same time, but no long term harm, really. If you hit blood, then insulin can get into blood system more quickly than if it is absorbed from fat, so worth keeping that in mind. Abdomen is a good site, as it doesn't tend to warm up as much as, say, thighs, when running.

Wise not to drive until you felt safe - and DVLA advice is to be above 5mmol/l before setting off. As you say, feeling hypo at 4.4 was probably due to you body having got used to running high for some time.
Bearing in mind 4.4 is not far from the actual text book figure...........

I bruise all the time, but thats purely down to being too lazy to change the needle every time.........
Hi Newbs, I think it's different for everyone. I, like you, had very high blood sugars (18+) for about 8 months and even now at 5 I still feel funny and if it drops to about 4.6 ish i have the symptoms of a full blown hypo. Both my legs and my stomach have a permanent tan from the bruising from injecting.

Take care and best wishes!!!!!!!!!

Newbs, its not uncommon for people to experience 'false hypo's' when regaining good control. At 4.4 you are doing well, as some experience false hypo's at much higher levels of 5-6, so as you are only just above the recognised hypo level of 4, I would say this isn't a bad thing and its far better to have hypo warnings than non at all. Toby.
i call myself the human pin cushion, cause i bruise easily so there are just loadsa bruises on my tummy.
i wouldn't worry about the bruising thing!
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