Hypo and hyper advice

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, im T2 and have got my numbers down well. Just after some info on hypos and hypers. Can any type of diabetic have them? Can you get them of youve bought your BS to normal levels?
People taking certain medication can have hypos whatever their Type. But people who are newly diagnosed as Type 2 can get hypo symptoms when their blood glucose goes lower than their body had become accustomed to even though their level is not in hypo territory. This can be from sudden dietary changes and/ or the addition of medication.
Hypers (high blood glucose) will occur when people eat a meal with more carbs than their body can tolerate or if they are unwell as that can cause a sudden increase in blood glucose but also some medications can cause elevated blood glucose, steroids have that reputation.
Thankyou for explaining that for me. I did have the odd (false) hypo when i first started cutting out carbs, as my levels were very high. Something to be mindful of if out for a meal or poorly.
Diabetes UK have some general information about glucose levels here.

High glucose (hyper):

Low glucose (hypo):

Hope they are helpful 🙂
Thanks for the links. I did feel a bit unwell a few days ago, so i tested and was 4.5mmol, so presume thats ok, unless was starting to get a bit low for me.
Thanks for the links. I did feel a bit unwell a few days ago, so i tested and was 4.5mmol, so presume thats ok, unless was starting to get a bit low for me.
You don’t need to worry about hypos unless you are on certain medication.
It’s not uncommon to get warning signs above 4.0 if your levels have been running higher on average for some time. The body has a sort of ‘glucose thermostat’ which can reset if you generally run your levels above the recommended range.
Lets also remember that the body isn't a machine where we get to 3.9 and it suddenly sends out hypo warnings every time or even that we can accurately measure 3.9. 🙄 Sometimes I get warning signs when my Libre says 5.0 and level but 20 mins later I am definitely hypo, if I trust it. Sometimes I get warning signs and my finger prick shows 3.5 or 4.3. The important thing is that you recognize these warning signs. For someone not on medication which can drop levels dangerously low (ie insulin or gliclazide etc), then the liver will release glucose to rebalance things, so there is no danger of going too low, unless you have a condition called Reactive Hypoglycaemia, so generally Type 2s not on those medications have nothing to fear from hypos because they are effectively caused by an unintentional overdose. Diabetes does not cause hypos, it causes high BG levels. It is an excess of certain diabetes medications which causes hypos.
Plus, alcohol can also cause hypos, but again, the liver should generally be able to redress the balance once it has finished processing the alcohol.
It is also possible to experience hypos if you do not fuel yourself properly for exercise. It is called "Bonking".
My partner does not have diabetes reactive hypoglycaemia or take any medication. He once had to stop a tough bike ride because he was feeling so light headed and lacking energy. About 30 minutes after he stopped, I tested his BG. It was 2.9 and he was starting to feel better.
Thankfully, this is not something most of us have to deal with and, if it happens once, you will probably learn to fuel your exercise in the future.
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