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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Do any of you lovely people have any reputable links showing the effects of hypers during exams etc? School dont believe me that if Alex was 20mmols - this can alter his concentration etc and i cant find a 'good' link anywhere!:confused:Thanks. Bev
GAH! School's really bug me with stuff like that. It should be pretty obvious eh? I know that when my sugars are high and I'm doing something that requires concentration then i can't!

I don't have a link though, sorry
Hi Bev

How about this study?


They test maths and reaction time in type one school age kids during both hypo and hyperglycemia, and show that both have a negative effect. You should be able to get a full copy of the paper from that link, but if you have any problems let me know and I'm email it to you. 🙂

Thanks Randomange - this is brilliant! I will send it as an attachment to the school nurse and tell her she can get the full paper if required. I think this puts it in no doubt that a hyper can be as disabling as a hypo. Alex had taken a maths test and he was 20mmols - he only got 68% and they want to move him from top set to 2nd top set - so i explained it didnt seem fair given the circumstances. They finally agreed to let him take it again - but want 'proof' that a hyper can affect concentration levels and i was having trouble trying to find anything! Thanks so much - i am sure this will help them to understand it.🙂Bev
Bev I just wanted to say i think you have kept very calm, if it where me i dont know if i would of been so cool, fancy having to come up with proof that a hypoer can effect your A's concentration i guess its lack of information/knowledge on the schools side it must be hard enough for you coping without having to literally fight for alex at every turn and within his own school.
Bev I just wanted to say i think you have kept very calm, if it where me i dont know if i would of been so cool, fancy having to come up with proof that a hypoer can effect your A's concentration i guess its lack of information/knowledge on the schools side it must be hard enough for you coping without having to literally fight for alex at every turn and within his own school.

Thanks Steph! I must admit that since he was diagnosed i have found a different 'Bev' that will fight for something i think is right. I used to be quite shy - but diabetes has brought out a Jekyll and Hyde in me!:DBev
Sorry Bev, I'm really thrilled that you've found stuff in support of this, but I just DIED laughing at the Jekyll & Hyde comment, as I've been listening to the J&H Original Broadway cast recording all day (and still am) :D
Thanks Steph! I must admit that since he was diagnosed i have found a different 'Bev' that will fight for something i think is right. I used to be quite shy - but diabetes has brought out a Jekyll and Hyde in me!:DBev

I can totally understand being a mum even though my son is non-diabetic if i had to fight for something id go tooth and nail into it until i got what i wanted its only natural, well I hope that once you show them what ange found you they apologise for you having to go out of your way to get them what they wanted.As my son would say "in your face suckers" lol 🙂
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Thanks Randomange - this is brilliant! I will send it as an attachment to the school nurse and tell her she can get the full paper if required. I think this puts it in no doubt that a hyper can be as disabling as a hypo. Alex had taken a maths test and he was 20mmols - he only got 68% and they want to move him from top set to 2nd top set - so i explained it didnt seem fair given the circumstances. They finally agreed to let him take it again - but want 'proof' that a hyper can affect concentration levels and i was having trouble trying to find anything! Thanks so much - i am sure this will help them to understand it.🙂Bev

Oh no, poor Alex! :( Being 20 mmols would certainly knock my concentration! I hope this helps!
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