

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I've been pre diabetic for about 6 years and have a blood test every 3 months. My latest result indicated I have hyperglycaemia but I'm not exactly sure what that is. I've not been advised if I need any medication. Does anyone have the same condition?
Forgot to tell you that I go to a gym 3 times a week and have recently engaged a personal trainer. Although there is sugar in almost everything I'm very careful with what I eat. Not sure what happens next, I guess I will have to contact the medical centre.
Hyperglycaemia just means high blood sugar @Tilly6364 Do you know your actual test result - ie the number?
Forgot to tell you that I go to a gym 3 times a week and have recently engaged a personal trainer. Although there is sugar in almost everything I'm very careful with what I eat. Not sure what happens next, I guess I will have to contact the medical centre.
Not necessarily - unless it has been added, which does seem to be the case with many foods in America - my daughter lived there for a few years and put on so much weight...
To reduce high blood glucose levels reducing foods with high levels of carbohydrate is the usual ploy, grain, potato and other starchy veges, high sugar fruits, baked goods with lots of starches and sugars are all set aside for low carb choices.
Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, full fat dairy, lower carb berries, stir fries, salads, small servings of peas and beans have all helped to bring down my HbA1c to almost normal levels - my blood glucose after meals is in the normal range.
For an ordinary type 2 diet seems to work wonders, it there is something more interesting going on then medication might be needed, and although exercise might help to some extent, it can't really do much about a basic inability to deal with carbohydrates.
I've been pre diabetic for about 6 years and have a blood test every 3 months. My latest result indicated I have hyperglycaemia but I'm not exactly sure what that is. I've not been advised if I need any medication. Does anyone have the same condition?
As @Inka has said, it means that your blood sugar levels are high. How high is another matter and without knowing how high it's difficult to offer any meaningful advice, hence the question about your HbA1c result.
Still no news from my GP even though I've sent a message. Nothing about a HbA1c result either.
I'm afraid these days you have to be proactive and pester them for your result and referral for the various checks that you should get.
Still nothing from my GP despite sending messages re Hyperglycaemia
Sorry to hear you are being kept waiting @Tilly6364

I’ve merged these new posts to your earlier thread so that members can see how your story is unfolding.

How have you got on with getting hold of the surgery? Have you been able to make an appointment to discuss your worries?