Hyperglycaemia after Covid vaccine

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello I had my Covid vaccine yesterday and today I have hyperglycaemia over 30 which is being resistant to bolus regime.
has anyone had a similar experience please or any advice
Vaccines can push blood sugar up but 30 not responding to insulin is a concerning how long half you been at that number and have you checked for ketones?
That’s very high @Elsmor Have you changed your insulin cartridge in case there’s an issue with the insulin? Have you corrected?

I got moderate highs after my vaccination but nothing like that (I was something like 5 or 6 higher than normal). Have you tested for ketones?
Had both flu & covid vaccines in last few weeks with no rise in bg levels, but in past it has been hit & miss.

Agree with @Inka that it might just be coincidental so worth you changing your insulin cartridge over for new one just in case.
Hope things have settled a little for you @Elsmor. Let us know how things are going, and do keep checking for ketones if your BG remains so high.

I got hardly any impact from my double-jabs this time. Very little soreness, and no BG wobbles, it just made me very tired for a couple of days which was a new one!
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