Hyper-glycaemia is the "new" cigarette headrush

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West Leeds Rick

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there

I'm a type 2 diabetes guy. I'm learning a lot from my new GlucoNavii blood glucose monitor.

I'm starting to recognise when I'm hyper-glycaemic. It's a weird buzz that seems an essential part of my desire to binge on sugary stuff.

I don't need to tell you folks that being hyper-glycaemic is a bad thing.

But it got me thinking that this is rather reminiscent of getting a headrush when I used to be a smoker.

I remember thinking that a headrush was a really cool sensation that was a key part of smoking's appeal.

That was until I read Dr Allen Carr's stop smoking book which claimed that a headrush is just the feeling of suffocation. (Oddly enough, I've just tried to Google this and I don't see Dr Carr's assertion backed up anywhere! 🙂 )

But I just thought that I would share my realisation that the "rush" I get from eating sugary foods is actually hyper-glycaemia and has no positive characteristics at all.

There are two Allen Carr books about giving up sugar.

Might be of interest.

For years Lucozade used advertise their sugar boost as a positive. And a bit like smoking or drinking coffee there is definitely a short term boost. But after the initial jolt the more you have the less effect it adds

Cakes and sweets at children's parties liven the mood then drive the kids nuts.

That's hyper.
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