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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Due to a slight skin reaction to the glue used in my pump, I have been using Hypafix tape.
My current roll is coming to an end so I ordered some more from eBay. Despite what the description and and how the picture looked, I was send Mefix instead. Apparently the glue used in Mefix is water soluble so not suitable for my needs.
None of the large pharmacies (Boots, SuperDrug, etc.) sell HypaFix and after my recent experience with eBay, I am reluctant to try another small medical supplier.

This is a long way of asking if anyone can recommend a dependable supplier of HypaFix tape.

Thank you.
Sorry @helli I have only used tegaderm and the tapes from Medtronic.
I hope that you can find a source.
Is it possible to buy direct from manufacturer? Failing that maybe local pharmacy could order it in from reliable source.
Last Hypafix I got was from Amazon - I can’t remember if it was direct, or from a reseller.

What a nuisance about your last order. Hope you can get a refund
Thanks guys,
My local pharmacy was unable to help and I cannot buy direct from the manufacturers.
I have ordered from Medisave and keeping my fingers crossed.

Morally, I try to avoid purchasing from Amazon but, sometimes, needs must. If Medisave let me down, I will try them.
My Hypafix arrived this morning and it is ....

<drum roll>
<dramatic pause?
<drum roll continues>
<wondering if the announcer will ever get around to saying anything>
<camera pans left and right?
<drum is still rolling>
<audience are getting bored>


It is
<attempt at another dramatic pause>
real Hypafix.

Thanks for the Medisave tip, @Bruce Stephens
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