husband and family

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

how did your husband/wife daughter react when you told them you had type 2 diabetes?

Many thanks in advance for replies
Hi there well my o/h was like right well this is the first day of the rest of your life you have had a warning time to start eating properly, my son was only 7 at the time so did not really understand but when he witnessed me having my first hyper he laughed himself silly as he thought mummy was playing with him, but after it was all over i sat him down and explained to him what happens to mum when she hypers and now he knows what he is to do when it happens again, I have an advantage as my other half had an ex who was also diabetic so its like de ja vu for him, i think sometimes the immediate family take it better then others you think will take it ok, for instance some of my freinds took to me diffirently for whatever reason, suffice to say we are no longer mates.

how did your husband/wife daughter react when you told them you had type 2 diabetes?

Many thanks in advance for replies


"You do know that if you were a horse we would have put you down by now?"
" If you were a car you would have been scrapped long ago"
"Do I have grounds now to trade you in for a newer, more reliable model?"


"Is this something else I've got to look forward to now?"

and for the first week or so, every time I ate crisps/chocolate/cakes

"do you want to lose a foot?"

Karina :D
My husband was more worried than I was! He kept on about how its a chronic desease & that its really serious & seemed slightly freaked out. I however take things in my stride. I pondered it for a while & then was just Ok, so I have this, I am never going to get rid of it, thats fine. I can deal with this.

"do you want to lose a foot?"

Karina :D
Hehehe, your family sound great :D :D That has made me smile
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how did your husband/wife daughter react when you told them you had type 2 diabetes?

Many thanks in advance for replies

First thing my OH said was 'I don't believe you'. So I ran away and hid for 3 days behind a veil of alcohol and take-aways and cigarettes. I think he believes me now.....😱
My husband took the bull by the horn and did the same as what I did and still do..

Changed diet completely, lost weight and continue to stick to the good diet, exercise etc he is a star.

The rest of the family have been great - diabetes runs in the family so they helped and advised best they could and we all just got on with it. x
My hubby went through the food cupboards and got rid of all the jam, sweets biscuits cakes and puddings, then was miserable because he couldn't have any of his treats. Now he waits till I'm out of the way before having his sweeties...
Can't recall anything.

Except annoyance that the vet wouldn't put me down 🙄

Seriously with most things that go wrong with me, people around me don't seem too shocked after the first 15 minutes.

Perhaps I need some new friends? OK, OK, I need a friend to start with - any volunteers?

It's good to have the support, in truth, whatever happens it's a journey you have to make yourself, it's nice to have people accompany you, but the real feelings and emotions, illness, off days and the like are really not able to be shared. The moments you're cranky you feel guilty about afterwards, (don't you?) the times I don't feel well are times I want to be alone and not with anyone.

But that might just be my perception of things.
My lot don't give a sh*t as long as it doesn't affect them.

My lovely sister is the only one concerned, and tells me off regularly, in a nice way.

My OH is good about it and so are my two closest friends, but my family would rather pretend there's nothing wrong. I get no support at all from them. If I mention anything to do with diabetes, my brother walks away while the rest just shrug and tune me out.
My mum cried and my dad sat at home wondering when his dinner was going to get cooked.

My brother's reactions were similar to karinagal's family :D
My hubby was with me when I found out, and we'd guessed it was coming.

He's been fab, although must admit it pees me off that he can smoke, drink and eat what he wants - he's not had to give anything up, and I've given up just about everything fun (yes, that too cos I'm too tired!). 😛

Kids were harder to tell, they thought it was a death sentence so I had to explain it wasn't a big deal and just meant I have to be careful with what I eat, and they're fine now. Triplets (aged 7) aren't as interested, although Rebecca caught me eating a chocolate I got for Chrimble and gave me a good telling off...
My hubby was with me when I found out, and we'd guessed it was coming.

He's been fab, although must admit it pees me off that he can smoke, drink and eat what he wants - he's not had to give anything up, and I've given up just about everything fun (yes, that too cos I'm too tired!). 😛

Kids were harder to tell, they thought it was a death sentence so I had to explain it wasn't a big deal and just meant I have to be careful with what I eat, and they're fine now. Triplets (aged 7) aren't as interested, although Rebecca caught me eating a chocolate I got for Chrimble and gave me a good telling off...

KIds are good like that eh Lisa im the same I think im safe to sneak a biccie but son catches me and runs straight to other half .I've lost count of number of times i tryed to bribe him lol
LOL - yep, I never thought of bribery...hmmm with 5 kids it might be necessary at some point!

Now telling my parents was harder. I've always felt like the family failure (I'm the only one who didnt go to uni and make something of herself, and am now a disabled mum of 5 on the sick with no prospects, nor any idea of what I want to do when I "grow up" - I'm 33 in May) even though my parents have never judged me, I judge myself. So to eat myself diabetic has given me this huge feeling of guilt/shame - plus I still feel like I want to stamp and cry about it all. Went to visit the folks this weekend, they treated me like I was dying, constantly reminding people how well I was doing and how much weight I'd lost and asking if I was ok and could I eat this or that. My mam called after I got home to say she was worried about me because I looked so tired. I love 'em. But it's the last time I tell them anything :D
I've always felt like the family failure (I'm the only one who didnt go to uni and make something of herself, and am now a disabled mum of 5 :D

Anyone who is successefully bringing up 5 children should NEVER, EVER think of themselves as a "failure" of any sort!!!!!!!
I have an advantage as my other half had an ex who was also diabetic so its like de ja vu for him,

Strangely enough, my husband had also been out with a type 1 before we met.

Do you think this sort of thing is common?

Mine did say that he thought ong and hard about the proposal because he was concerned, but to be fair he did ask and (as they say) that was that. 😉
Me:"uh,'s me.... i'm in A&E...they think ive got diabetes....sob..."
Dad: "What!!!? Hang on i'll drive up! Be with you in about two hours!"
(apparently he was somewhat more freaked out than me by the time he picked my mum up from her shop 10 minutes later...)

Grandfather "Well, that's a bit of a blow isn't it?"
(the man hits the nail on the head, and he should know he's been diabetic for years)

Co-workers: "Rachel's in A&E! She's had a heart attack."
(No, it just feels like it...cheers mates....)
Anyone who is successefully bringing up 5 children should NEVER, EVER think of themselves as a "failure" of any sort!!!!!!!

Exactly what I was thinking.
Me (On phone): Hello Grandma
Grandma: Ooh, have you got news for me?
Me (thinking she'd heard it from Mum): Well, actually yes, the doctor told me I've got diabetes
Grandma: Oh, I thought you were going to say you'd got engaged!

Arkward silence followed....
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