Hunt for plane passengers who flew with first UK victim of Sars-like virus

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Aeroplane passengers who sat near the first person in the UK to be diagnosed with a new Sars-like virus have been are being tracked down and tested for the illness.
The infected man, who travelled back to London at the end of January from Saudi Arabia, later passed the virus on to his son, who died last Sunday in a Birmingham hospital.
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has confirmed that passengers who sat in the same row or two rows in front or behind the man on the flight back from Saudi Arabia are being traced.
The do too - my sister and family went to Tunisia one year and when they came back someone rang her from the WHO - rabies scare round the hotel.

Sister said Don't tell me - the cats? They said yes. She said she'd noticed they weren't behaving like normal cats and had immediately said to her her son not to go anywhere near them as she thought there was definitely something wrong with them and she didn't want him to catch anything. He was still quite little - about 3 - and was most certainly never allowed out of sight anyway. But some of the other hotel guests were feeding em etc cos they were stupid.

And one of them had got bitten or scrtached and she got rabies.

The WHO wanted them all to go and get jabs, she said no because there was zilcho chance.

Bit different if it's airborne though, but would have thought they'd all be at least ill if not dead by now? Although - the chap that died (the son) they said he had 'immune' issues already which made him less able to fight it.
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