humulin M3 and Victoza


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone hope you are all ok today and have good bg's, just a simple question is there anyone on Humulin M3 and Victoza together, do you have any side effects, was there any weight gain or loss and do they work?
I'm not on either, but just wanted to say it is nice to hear from you again :) I know we have a member on Levemir and Victoza and I think he gets on very well with it :)
a fantastic result ..

thank northener, it's been awhile since I last posted on here but have really struggled with my bloods but since being on these two new pens I seem to have emerged out of a foggy cloud and I can seen light at the end of the tonnel, my hb1Ac had risen to 12 so I finally got refered to a consultant and now I feel great and my bg's are starting to come down and I have lost 12 kgs in 3 months to which i'm very happy about, thanks everyone for your support xxxx
thank northener, it's been awhile since I last posted on here but have really struggled with my bloods but since being on these two new pens I seem to have emerged out of a foggy cloud and I can seen light at the end of the tonnel, my hb1Ac had risen to 12 so I finally got refered to a consultant and now I feel great and my bg's are starting to come down and I have lost 12 kgs in 3 months to which i'm very happy about, thanks everyone for your support xxxx

That's magic news HartHen! I'm really pleased for you, and to see you feeling so positive and optimistic - brilliant! :)
I used to be on M3 back in the day, its a mixed insulin, so some short and some long acting stuff.............

So that together with any of your own insulin working with the victoza should give positive results I would imagine...............

Keep up the good work........:D
I think Alan might be refering to me, on Levemir and Victoza. Whether it's working or not, I'm really not sure. I used to be on twice daily injections of Levemir of 60 and 80 units. Since taking the Victoza I have stopped the evening injection of Levemir so now on 80 units Levemir and 1.2 of Victoza. I am struggling to reduce my morning fasting reading to below 7, it's usually 7.7-8.4 despite what my bedtime reading is. It's as if the Victoza is delaying the absorption of my evening meal by about 10 hours. I shall have to see what it has done to my Hba1c when I see my GP in a couple of weeks.

I am, and always have struggled to lose weight. The only way I can do it is by reducing my food intake (No, really:eek:, I hear you cry). To this end I've stopped having breakfast and have basically no carbs for lunch (chicken, broad beans and walnuts with a little salad cream) and cooked dinner with one of two potatoes or rice or pasta. I have been eating an apple and an orange a day though. Managed to loose maybe 5kg in 6 months, but at least it's a reduction.
It's interesting what you say about your morning readings Vic. I was talking to another member a while back who has great numbers throughout the day but also cannot get his waking numbers below 7. He is Type 2 on insulatard and novorapid (large doses). I sometimes wonder if some people are just naturally slightly higher in the mornings than 'normal' but only find out when they are diagnosed and get access to testing.
I sometime wonder if my body is producing glucose at the wrong times, bit like the dawn phenomena. I can go to bed with a reading of 6.2 and wake up with 7.7 or the other night go to bed at 10.1 and wake up 8.4 with a reading of 6 at 2am:confused:
I would love to get more exercise but I'm having these feet problems (hard heels, touches of gout and all sorts), so long walks can knacker my ankles for a couple of days.

P.S. Went to Stirling again today, morning reading of 8.4, lunch time reading of 4.6:eek: so defo the driving.