Humulin I.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I wrote a few weeks ago that I was having to start on insulin. Well it seems to be ok. I had a few hypos to start with, the first one I woke in the night and felt awful, sweaty and shakey but as I had not had one before, it took me a few minutes to realise what was going on. When I tested, my reading was 2.1, which was a big shock. So jelly babies and cereal bar and cup of tea later, it came up to 6. I had a few more, always in the night but not as low as that. I spoke to my DN, and she took me off gliclazide an d lowered my dose of Humulin from 10 to 6, and now all seems ok. I suppose it may always take a bit of jiggling to get the right dose. It is much easier to inject than I expected and I hardly feel it thankfully. I have to have an HBA1C in September. It will be interesting to see the result. Hopefully it will have improved. Maybe I am imagining it, but I feel I am sleeping better too. I was dreading the day when I would have to start insulin, but not as bad as I thought.
Sorry to hear that you have had some nasty hypos but it sounds like medication has been adjusted to hopefully resolve that. Please make sure you keep jelly babies on the bedside table, so you don't have to go wandering around the house half asleep and hypo to find some.

Really pleased you feel like you are now sleeping better. High BG levels really make my sleep restless and I get hot and uncomfortable, but when my insulin is right and I can get it between 4 and 7 I sleep really deeply and wake up refreshed.

So pleased you are finding it less daunting than you initially imagined it would be. The needles really are tiny aren't they!

Anyway, thanks for the update and if you have any questions or just need some reassurance about anything, do feel free to ask. The forum really is a goldmine of knowledge and practical experience and I know myself that comparing notes, thoughts and concerns with others here is really reassuring. I hope you find that too.
Glad to hear your doses have been tweaked and things have settled a bit since.

And good to hear you've found injecting easier than you expected.

Hope things continue to potter along for you and you get some encouraging feedback from your September HbA1c
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