Humalog and Lantus doses

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All.

Although I'm not newly diagnosed, healthcare in my area doesn't seem to be up to much (comparing to other members discriptions of theirs) so thought I would try to re-educate myself about my diabetes.

Since being dignosed 16 years ago a lot has changed!!

But I have a question that I can;t fidn the answer to anywhere and was wondering if anyone could shed some light......

My Lantus injection dose is the same as (or sometimes lower) than my Humalog dose. Does this seem weird? Is something going wrong?

I know I have some tightening up to do with my doses (I've just been learning about insulin ratio's, going back to Carb counting etc) but my doses have been this way for a long time now.


(P.s. I mean my humalog dose for the whole day.)
Doesn't seem odd to me, I'm sure I read somewhere that they expect your basal and you total bolus for the day to be roughly 50:50, I'll look it up when I get home. I think mine roughly add up to 50:50 but most people I know find their basal to be much lower.
Hi All.
My Lantus injection dose is the same as (or sometimes lower) than my Humalog dose. Does this seem weird? Is something going wrong?

Nope, you're quite normal! 😛 Most of the things I've read suggest that your basal/bolus ratio will be around 50/50.

Of course, this will depend on how many carbs you are eating - for example my ratio tends to be about 40% lantus to 60% novorapid, because I tend to eat a lot of carbs.

I know what you mean about things changing! I would recommend the books "Think like a pancreas" by Gary Schneider, and "Using insulin" by John Walsh as very good ways to get your knowledge up. I decided to re-educate myself a couple of years ago, and I found they were very helpful. 🙂
Thats good.
I don't feel as odd now!
nah thats pretty normal, having hugely different % is unusual.
I take 13 units basal and around 10 bolus

I would also reccommend both those books, I found think like a pancreas easier to read and using insulin more texbooky but liked them both. Never understood Insulin on board until i read those which has proved really useful.
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My lantus is (currently!) perfect at 9 units. I was astounded the other night - I was 4.1 before bed so I had a digestive biscuit. I woke in the night around 2:30 am and I was 4.5. Iwoke in the morning to 5.0!

My average Novorapid for a day is about 25 units and my levels are pretty much perfect on that, so I take nearly 3 NR for each lantus.

Still not sure if I could be in the 'honeymoon' phase though. I was reading today that a non-diabetic person uses about 0.5 units of insulin per kg of body weight, diabetics tend to use more than that. But my average is 0.488888889!!! I'm normal!😱🙂
! I'm normal!😱🙂

Can't be true 😉

It makes sense though that in honeymoon you use more bolus because producing basal insulin would produce less stress on your pancreas as it's small amounts needed, responding to glucose spikes must be harder to achieve.
Hey all, i cant wait for the dafne course. im havin highs and lows all over the place, its drivin me nuts!!!! lol
might be movin onto levimar and the other one that goes with it....cant remember it.
i just feel that im going round in circles arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

had to get that off my chest lol xxx
Hey all, i cant wait for the dafne course. im havin highs and lows all over the place, its drivin me nuts!!!! lol
might be movin onto levimar and the other one that goes with it....cant remember it.
i just feel that im going round in circles arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

had to get that off my chest lol xxx

Levemir ... and Humalog or Novo Rapid , or another? ( is there another?)

I'd say I take slightly more LANTUS than all my HUMALOG combined. At the moment I take 28 units of Lantus then roughly 20 units (6+7+7) of Humalog.

@Litto-miss-loz - My levels were all over the place (down to 3.8 and up to 28 in the same day) so I went on the DAFNE course. On the week of the course my blood sugars were within range for every meal. Since then my levels have stable but slightly higher than target range, but I now know how to correct them and look for patterns to sort them out. It's the best thing I've ever done for my diabetes.

Nope, you're quite normal! 😛 Most of the things I've read suggest that your basal/bolus ratio will be around 50/50.

Of course, this will depend on how many carbs you are eating - for example my ratio tends to be about 40% lantus to 60% novorapid, because I tend to eat a lot of carbs.

I know what you mean about things changing! I would recommend the books "Think like a pancreas" by Gary Schneider, and "Using insulin" by John Walsh as very good ways to get your knowledge up. I decided to re-educate myself a couple of years ago, and I found they were very helpful. 🙂

John Walsh in pumping insulin says

40% basal, children and adults who are fit, those on high carb diets and sometimes in the first five years after diagnosis when they may have some insulin reduction
50% basal most people
60% basal Some adults, most teens, people with insulin resistance, people on low carb diets.

My pump is showing 38% percent basal at the moment and I keep having to reduce it. I think its because I'm quite active, eat a fair amount of carbs and probably still have some residual insulin production (LADA)
Hey all, i cant wait for the dafne course. im havin highs and lows all over the place, its drivin me nuts!!!! lol
might be movin onto levimar and the other one that goes with it....cant remember it.
i just feel that im going round in circles arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

had to get that off my chest lol xxx

levemir and novorapid are made by novo nordisk
lantus and apidra by aventis
humalog by lily (they don't do a basal analogue)

but you don't have to take certain together you can mix and mach any basal and bolus
John Walsh in pumping insulin says

40% basal, children and adults who are fit, those on high carb diets and sometimes in the first five years after diagnosis when they may have some insulin reduction
50% basal most people
60% basal Some adults, most teens, people with insulin resistance, people on low carb diets.

My pump is showing 38% percent basal at the moment and I keep having to reduce it. I think its because I'm quite active, eat a fair amount of carbs and probably still have some residual insulin production (LADA)

That's interesting Helen, thank you. I'm about (if I've worked it out correctly!) 26% basal - does seem surprisingly low! :confused:😱 Doesn't worry me though.🙂
"humalog by lily (they don't do a basal analogue)"

Lily make Humalin I (Isophane insulin), which is long acting / basal. I've been using it since 1997.
Humalin I is human, not analogue insulin, but rarely mentioned as a long acting / basal insulin.
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