Hullloooooo everyone!

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am so so embarrassed I have not posted for so long. I went into a bubble that has been hard to punch out of but here I am!
I am so glad to see that you are all well and still posting and I owe Northerner soooooooooooooo much and more! And he will stay as an Admin - which I am sure he and you all want!

I am going to post my birth story on the pregnancy board tomorrow for all the other prospective Mom's and just to say being the Mom is my greatest achievement! (Even above this board I am afraid to say!)

Also I went on the pump last week - which is taking some getting used to - but am getting there with it! So will post about that too!

Off to post some pics of my handsome son!

I am so so happy to be back! 🙂
It was only me that kept me away - as I got so embarrassed about not posting for so long! I felt I couldn't - doh!

Please forgive me

Admin (the original!)

Its really lovely to read your post!
I dont think got to know you and vice-versa that well before you left to have your baby, which is really weird as I feel part of the furniture now!

Glad to hear about the pump, what model are you using?

We were speaking about you at the weekend at our meet up in London. Have you seen the pics in the thread? Northener has been doing great work in your absence as Im sure you know (his taste in "music" still seems to be right off though! 🙂) We had a great day.

I look forward to reading your pregnancy story! Glad you are well.

Louisa xx
I'm new since you've been away. I take it you had a baby. Congratulations on your new son.
Great to see you back!! Hope all the family are well.

Looking forward to hearing lots from you about how youve been getting on xx
Lovely to have you back Kati 🙂 As Lou has said we were wondering on saturday how you were and if you were coming back.

This place is huge now and Northener has been doing a fantastic job, we all owe him.

Looking forward to seeing the pics 🙂

Glad your back with us - you were missed! No need to feel embarrased at all. Your baby and family life come first. I cant wait to see the pictures of him - i did see the one Northerner posted just after he was born- he is beautiful.:D

Northerner has been brilliant in your absence - however, i have to report that his obsession with Kate Bush remains, but we do warn all the newbies etc..

Alex is now on the medtronic pump with sensors - which pump do you have?🙂Bev x
Goodness, my dear, you certainly didn't need to be embarrassed about anything! You did such a superb job of setting the place up that things have just gone from strength to strength🙂 Someone did comment a while back about how you might feel about me turning the place into a pub and a shrine to Kate Bush, so glad you are not too mad with me!😉

Our main concern all along has been that you and your baby get the best start in life you can, so don't worry about how much or how little you have been in and out - but we are VERY pleased to hear from you, and look forward to hearing your stories and seeing the pics!

Welcome back!:D
Pubs I can cope with...

...but Kate Bush??? Hasn't wained then - Oh! Well! Everything else is good - you can't have it all!
hi i really looking forward to read your post tomorrow i feel the same beeing a mum is my greatest achievement and i try to raise my boy in a wonderful young man
Hello there, it's good to 'meet' you at last!! I've joined in your absence. Northerner's done a fantastic job.

How lovely to hear that you are so mad about your baby!! How old is the little feller now? Look forward to seeing some pics.

Great news about Alex's pump Bev - you fought and won - yee ha!
I am on the Spirit combo where the blood testing machine talks to the pump - though it is like it's owner -quite temperamental and occasionally chooses not to! Only been on it a week - so still sorting out basal rates etc - but went to the pump group that I did originally and everyone else has been on it for 6 months and they are all absolutely raving about it and love teh improvement in their control. We were only offered the spirit - and would liked to have a choice - but to be quite honest getting a pump at all was a huge achievement! I will have a look at Alex's and comapre ;o)
woooooooo kati welcome back xxx cant wait to see piccies
Hello! Welcome back 🙂 It's good to see you are well, we all worried about you when you were gone so long after the birth. Can't wait to see your pics :D x
another newbie to you but nice to read your hello and posts today i understand where the essense of the forum came from...exellent place helped me tremendously xxx
Ps..I dont mind Kate Bush xx
Great to have you back, and congratulations. 🙂
(all the best people have a birthday exactly 6 months from Christmas 😉 )
Welcome back. Look forward to getting to know you. 🙂
hi there i am a newbie here congrats on the birth of your baby boy
I'm glad you are back and that you and baby are doing so well. There are a lot of babies round me just now as teo of my neices, a friend and a friends daughter have all had babies. It is nice to know everyone is well and healthy and happy.
Congratulation on the birth of your son.

And as for Kate Bush I'm a big fan of hers and my sister is a personal friend of hers.
Congratulation on the birth of your son.

And as for Kate Bush I'm a big fan of hers and my sister is a personal friend of hers.

Does Northener know he has competition for Kates affections?
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