- 14,000 PWD's

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone

Hope this may be of interest to anyone that uses twitter and know's people with diabetes that do.

Organised by members of another community group

To raise global awareness, at 9pm British Summer Time a group of PWD's will test their blood sugars and post them globally via twitter.

Further information can be found here =

For anyone one that uses twitter, you can use the hashtag (#14kpwd) to go with your blood sugar results.

If you don't then perhaps you could create an account for yourself or perhaps get someone to post on your behalf.

Incidentally I am on twitter =
Hi Mike, interesting! Presumably though, people will be posting results in different units (mmol/l, mg/dl), so might be a bit confusing at times?
Hi Mike, interesting! Presumably though, people will be posting results in different units (mmol/l, mg/dl), so might be a bit confusing at times?
Ah.. Good thinking batman..
I guess people could put mmol/l after it to make it a little more clear, especially to the folks across the pond as ignorance would dictate that mg/dl is global.. 🙂
I dont understand twitter but im going to give it a go on my brothers account, could be interesting 🙂
I dont understand twitter but im going to give it a go on my brothers account, could be interesting 🙂
Nice one Katie.. Appreciate it's not everyone's cuppa tea, but just a small initiative to try and raise some awareness..

Good luck..

PS: Dont forget to place a tag into the "tweet" = in bold

Eg; Just tested my blood sugars = 6.3 mmol/l #14kpwd #diabetes
how do i make that bit bold? will it go bold on it's own? im confused :D
how do i make that bit bold? will it go bold on it's own? im confused :D
sorry no need to make it bold. just put in bold to highlight for you..
Just posted mine after 90 mins of Martial Arts and I'm a respectable 5.9 mmol/l


mine was 15.7 ive been eating sweeties. so far ive found one person higher than me lol.
ive rapidly on it's way down, shame it wasnt at 9.30pm instead :D
Hey Mike, how did things go? Did lots of people post thier numbers?🙂 Mine was 7.4 at 9 pm
Hi Northerner

Not being a authority on the event in any way shape or form, I don't have any stats to share, but from what I saw on Twitter its was a great success, although the 14k was not met.

Just via link will give people an idea =

What I did it realise was that people were also posting via Facebook and also via the actual site.

Some people took some fun pics whilst they tested.. Hope it does not offend anyone!

Similar to site like this, a nice quote came from one twitter post;
Diabetes is #myinvisiblefriend but thanks to #14kpwd today, not so invisible!

So hopefully it has encouraged people to follow up from the progress from the 14th with I think 14th Nov pencilled in for a similar online event
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