HRT and Diet / Hunger Control

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I will ask my GP all these questions when I have my follow up but I was wondering if anyone had any experience of HRT and hunger control. My issue is such:

All through 2023 I’ve followed a low carb approach to food to tame my HbA1c. I’ve found it relatively easy and never been hungry once. I’ve not really needed to calorie count and somehow managed to lose seven stone!

I have however had horrific hot flushes, which have been quite distressing. I’ve put up with them for ages but finally gave in and started on HRT. Because I swim a lot and have a long history of migraines, I have oestrogen gel and progesterone tablets.

I’ve been on this for a couple of months now and the hot flushes stopped almost immediately!! Absolutely fantastic but I now seem to be in a permanent PMT state, which also includes feeling hungry ALL THE TIME!

All the online gubbins states HRT shouldn’t increase weight but my weight is going up and down like a yo yo (several pounds at a time). I’m assuming a lot of this is fluid.

I’m really worried about losing control of my weight again but I also don’t want the flippin hot flushes back either. Do you think this will get better? Will things settle down with time?
I have Evorell Conti HRT patches and haven't had any issues with them causing PMT like symptoms or cravings. Like you the hot flushes were really debilitating both day and night and stopped pretty well overnight with the first patch. In fact I haven't had any side effects other than about 4 occasions in the last few years I have been taking them, where my breasts swelled and got really tender and each time it lasted about a month and then settled down again. I now manage on half the dose.... either 1 patch a week or half a patch every 3-4 days and get all the benefits still.
Not sure if these would be an option for you to try? I put them on my hip and they easily stick a week unless I didn't get the skin dry enough before I applied them. I can't imagine swimming would cause them a problem if they were under your swim suit.
Hi @Deb_l I’ve been on HRT for around a year due to horrible perimenopause symptoms. I haven’t put on any weight nor do I feel PMT symptoms from it. Not every type/brand suits every person, so it might be worth you asking if you can swap. I have a low dose patch and the progesterone tablets. Perhaps a patch would suit you more than the gel, or perhaps your dose isn’t quite right?
Hi @Deb_l I’ve been on HRT for around a year due to horrible perimenopause symptoms. I haven’t put on any weight nor do I feel PMT symptoms from it. Not every type/brand suits every person, so it might be worth you asking if you can swap. I have a low dose patch and the progesterone tablets. Perhaps a patch would suit you more than the gel, or perhaps your dose isn’t quite right?
Yes, I was thinking maybe my dosage is too high and I could maybe get away with a lower dosage. I’ve had no other side effects (including migraines) and the positives are amazing. I’ll chat with my GP. I’m due for a three month catch up at the end of January.
How precisely measurable is your body's intake and uptake of the oestrogen in the gel? I know some of it comes in sachets which presumably therefore contain a measured amount - but presumably nobody knows what I've just asked - so could you be absorbing it more than yer average lady, or less ......

Do you have any opportunity to discuss this with a gynaecologist rather than a GP?
How precisely measurable is your body's intake and uptake of the oestrogen in the gel? I know some of it comes in sachets which presumably therefore contain a measured amount - but presumably nobody knows what I've just asked - so could you be absorbing it more than yer average lady, or less ......

Do you have any opportunity to discuss this with a gynaecologist rather than a GP?
The gel comes in a pump dispenser and it’s one pump, rub it in. Then a second pump and rub in. Legs or back of arms.

I’ll be honest, sometimes the amounts do look different but I don’t know if that’s my imagination or not. I was given the gel, rather than patches because of the number of times I go swimming every week. The oestrogen tablets are not advised for migraine sufferers either.

I have wondered whether one single pump of the oestrogel would suffice. At the moment I’m just under my GP so don’t have access to a gynaecologist unfortunately.
Interesting that you apply it to the back of arms or legs. My patches specify application below the waist. Don't know why.
Interesting that you apply it to the back of arms or legs. My patches specify application below the waist. Don't know why.
This is my understanding.
It is important that HRT gels and patches are kept away from breast tissue. Another reason why HRT should be applied below the waist is because the hormones are absorbed better by fatty tissue, such as the lower abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.
Glad you have a review coming up and are trying to avoid gaining back your amazing weight loss, definitely consider a change in treatment. Duk we’re looking for patients to discuss their experiences of perimenopause and menopause, it came out in one of the newsletters, if you like I can find you the details of who to contact.
This is my understanding.
It is important that HRT gels and patches are kept away from breast tissue. Another reason why HRT should be applied below the waist is because the hormones are absorbed better by fatty tissue, such as the lower abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.
I always use my legs. The gel can be applied to backs of arms but my GP suggested this may not be a good idea as I have a long running history of breast cysts so as far away from them the better.
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