How ? What? when? Where? Why? who ?

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have a chat to your docto or practice nurse if your diabetic care is with your GP. If it is at the hospital have a chat at your next appointment or phone the diabetes clinic ahead of time and ask. Good luck.
Hi Ghosthunter,

Was just going to say the same thing as Caroline.
Good Luck

Diabetic Care :confused: Whats that mine is non existant (still)! I just go to my GP if I have a problem, recently learnt there is a GP at my practice and she is particularly interested in diabetes, so have started to see her for any related issues. Other than that I get an anual review with nurse. HBA1C has recently been requested every 3 months when it was previously once a year.

I am learning a lot from this site to get myself sorted as I have realised its up to me to care for myself. Hence the start to finding a DSN.

Thanks I will ask at appointment this week.

well i had no idea for about 2 month ghost unitl i was told to expect a letter i certainly was not told at the diagnosis off my doc that a DSN would come to me as ushc
It very much depends on where you live and your local hospital trust and doctors.

My GP surgery has a nurse who will take the diabetes clinics though I don't think she is classified as DSN (Diabetes Specialist Nurse).
I'm also under the care of the diabetes unit at my local hospital where they have two DSNs I can phone if I need something. They usually deal with things like teaching you about injecting insulin and such.
A few years ago however, I had none of this.

Is there any specific reason you feel you need to talk to a DSN?
hi ghost hunter,

i would go to your gp and see if they will refer you to a local diabetes clinic at a hospital, but i am not to sure if they actually do this for type 2's. a lot of gp clinics now have a specialist nurse who even not being a dsn has a vested interest in diabetes. a lot of gp's are now sitting up and taking notice that diabetes is a bit of a cash cow for them as they get paid for services they offer. if however you are not happy with your gp etc then it may be best to ask for the move.

hope this helps

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